This text adventure game originally written by Ambrosine in 2000 is text only and of the traditional sort. It is similar to the old Infocom/Magnetic Scrolls/Level 9 type which were popular in the mid 1980`s.
It is also similar to popular 80's 8-bit text adventures created with the QUILL, PAW or GAC adventure utilities.
There are no pictures or sounds, or animations in this particular game. However there is a background music track. ( Music credit: Eric Matyas; )
This demo is not a big game, more of a mini-adventure really.
It is, however, fully solvable and save/load enabled. The puzzles are not too difficult. Beginners or experienced adventurers *should* have little trouble in completing the game - eventually... :)
The game was created using TAB - a *free* Windows retro-text adventure maker; interactive fiction program by catventure. More info at:
In this game you simply have to find the burial chamber in the nearby pyramid, get the treasure, and make it out of the pyramid alive within 24 game hours. A ReadMe help text file is included.