Hi everyone, I am happy to officially announce that Havendock is currently planned to be released as Early Access on Steam around Q1 2023!
I would like to gather your thoughts on what you most like to see, if you have any! Feel free to suggest ideas, or expand on those below.
You can also join the discord to discuss the game: https://discord.com/invite/PSkrsdhDaH
Below are some ideas suggested by players and myself. It is not a concrete roadmap, but a list of some ideas of what the game could have:
1) School
You can let settlers learn new traits, and traits will also be able to level up to have stronger effects.
This works in conjunction with a Hope System. You must have enough Hope in your settlement in order to progress to the next stage of your civilization - becoming a Town. To do that, you need a Town Hall.
Aside from unlocking Education, feel free to suggest what other cool stuff the Town Hall can do!
2) Settler stats + Professions
Settlers will have different stats, such as Cooking, Diving, that can be level 1 to 5.
Facilities will also have a chance to fail. For example, assigning a settler with low cooking skills has a chance to produce burnt food instead of a regular meal. Conversely, higher leveled divers can return with rare resources.
Settlers will also have professions, allowing them to do certain tasks better.
Mock UI:
3) Air Engine
After launching the air engine, you are able to build new structures on it and pilot it. New mechanics like weight and lift need to be managed in order to keep your air engine afloat.
4) Storage Crates
Similar to the storage, but can store more resource types, possibly up to 4.
5) Pirate Combat & Battleships
Build and upgrade your own battleship to explore rough seas and combat pirates. Customize ship parts - add more cannons for more offense? Or build more hulls for better defense?
6) Animals, food variety
Be able to find new animals like cows. They can produce milk to make ice cream.
Maybe even different animal biomes? Not sure what Polar Bears would do but below is an idea.
6b) Advanced settler needs, Clothing
Food variety will be essential as new settlers start to have needs (e.g. vegeterian diets, etc). Some may be alcoholic, requiring alcohol, etc.
In addition to the Town Hall mentioned in the first point, perhaps with the advancement of the settlement, people want clothing too.
7) New islands
Certain islands may have benefits to certain facilities. A fertile island couls grow food faster, a high land could have more productive turbines.
It can also have special places like fishing villages to discover, and objectives to maybe help fishermen.
8) Magic Academy
Meet a sorcerer who can cast beneficial spells on your settlement, boosting settler speed or building production, similar to potions, but are more passive.
The academy can be leveled up and upgraded with its own EXP tree.
9) Aquariums
Collect and feed your own fishes. Watch them swim around your tank.
Maybe you can even make this aquarium a tourist destination, just like this game haha:
Speaking of tourists.
9b) Tourist Attraction
Maybe certain bigger ships could come and dock at your settlement. Tourists would have to have their entertainment and basic needs met, maybe even ask for premium food. You can choose to reject them or accept them and they will pay you wealthily depending on the needs you can meet.
10) Tower Defense Combat / Raiders
Some form of enemies may invade your settlement, so you have to build towers to defend.
I leave enemies to be vague for now - they could be sea creatures like an octopus with many tentacles that latch onto buildings, underwater species, pirates, flying creatures attacking the Air Engine, or whatever.
Extremely extremely early Combat System Prototype, final result could be completely different:
11) Raids / Settler Equipment
Send settlers on raids to have a chance to acquire rare resources. Send them on scavenging missions, and maybe even gather equipment that can boost settlers' stats, such as making them Loot more stuff, have higher chance to scavenge rare resources, increase speed of gathering, and reduce risk of mission failure and injury!
End Note
Once again, the above is not a roadmap, but may be ideas of things that may be added to the game based on interest level. There are many more ideas that you players may have that are not listed here, so feel free to list them if it's something you want to see!
This post will be edited to add new ideas or with misc updates occasionally.
19/8/2022 - Added Tourist Attraction idea
24/8/2022 - Steam release date changed