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Please, remove "Straight" achievment from the game

A topic by Histene created Aug 23, 2022 Views: 4,783 Replies: 16
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Any  straight subject in a gay game is not fun. It's completely idiotic, and I feel betrayed that there is a heterossexual quests/achievment inside a wonderful gay game. Please, exchange it for something better, thank you so much.


Seriously,  i feel the same. 
I hadn't bought the game yet to see if this kind of aberration will show up in such a game but obviously the political correctness always ends up happening. Holy shit! What's the point of making a gay, 100% male game if it's going to have a straight ending? So the message is what? Getting fucked/(Or fuck) by too many guys makes you straight? Love between men is not valid, stop having with men, fuck a woman and make kids? It's the right life? Now it's clear that I won't buy this game. And the next one is what? Include trangender to make more money and deny homosexuality? You have no integrity. Go make straight games if your only  goal is to make money!




CidHighwind , you are right. This game is not gay.  That sh*t is bissexual.


Oh calm the fuck down. It was a secret ending added as a joke, not some grand message. 

"I feel betrayed!" - Evaluate your life. It's a game. Grow up.


Heteronormativity is not a joke, it's disgusting and stupid like your comment. Feeling betrayed by a deceptively gay game is my right. Get a life


Stay mad.

And take your own advice. Whining about a fucking game. XD

Deleted 2 years ago

This has nothing to do with being woke


Why are you so triggered by that...huh..???


That time when no one knows what bisexuality is... 


Ha ha funny

(2 edits) (+6)

 "I feel betrayed that there is a heterossexual quests"

There are no heterosexual quests in the game. You get the 'straight' achievement by simply finishing the game (i.e. battling/saving the King) without leveling up your affinity on any Townspeople or Shopkeepers.

You don't actually have to battle a woman. There are no graphics of unclothed women in the game, so your eyes are safe lol 馃ぃ馃ぃ


My best friend is straight, and even though I don't think he deserves human rights, this form of representation is adequate and permissible. As long as they keep their immoral proclivities in the bedroom or minor video game cutscenes I'm totally ok with it!

(1 edit) (+5)(-1)

Such a weird thread. It's just a silly achievement that you can just ignore and go about your day. It's really not that serious.


Yeah weird indeed. I'm actually not a gay but decided to play the game myself, I don't really care what sh*ts are into this game but people saying that all gamer's who played this game a "gay" is what disgust me

And the biggest twist is I'm actually just a kid.

I have played this game for hours, I have tried to get this achievement and I finally have earned it on my steam account. This ending made me sad because I lost that bit of myself that was the savior of Whellcum and it became irrelevant to my life. I didn't mind that I never went back to the orgies or the city itself. Maybe the mark itself faded due to someone no longer being around to sustain it. Maybe it was all a fever dream I had in the and I convinced myself that it was real. That's bad story telling. Not only that but also total bi-erasure. Is the town doomed to fade away like the mark? Who knows. I personally would like to believe that the town itself fell into disrepair due to Robin not taking care of all the bits that COULD have been taken care of and not inspiring people to continue to love and make love or just fuck randomly in the streets. Straight ending is just... depressing to ruminate on.

what…can we just take the joke and move on 馃槶