Yo, came across a possible bug? I wonder if it's a grid snapping thing but can't seem to figure out what could be causing it. Sorry if it's jus me not knowing how to do something, lol.
But, I followed the tutorial for bones with the lil bird dude, when I go to the point where it tells you to select all and start doing key frames, everything seemed to be okay. But then after putting in a few key frames to mess around, I noticed when messing with one bone, occasionally another one would shift by one pixel. I try to change back to the rest/default position which did work before and still worked on the other parts but the one that moved, it would go back but one pixel off and nothing more, even if I did it a 2nd time.
It would also refuse to go back to that spot, I'm personally using arrow keys to move pieces around cause it's too hard with the mouse for pixel art, for me. I'm not sure if it's related to the arrow key input or not. Each piece that does this over time, all act the same way, off one pixel even after doing default pose button and won't go back to their original spot without a LOT of finesse, like way too much. But it'll also keep doing it when moving, so if I hold up arrow, it won't go straight up, it'll go up like a few times, then diagonal, up a few times, repeat. It's really odd.
Here's a video showing part of the behavior, I can try messing with it more to see if I can find what specifically causes the another bone to move, it seemed to happen while I was moving another piece before hitting the keyframe stuff to save it, I did have the auto keyframe thing on too, maybe that's causing it the moment I move another piece when it happens?
https://i.imgur.com/efkFVaj.mp4 Note: I'm only using one arrow key at a time either up or side only, not two like it kinda looks like in the video.
Also, I did report another bug a while back when I first tried messing with this, that bug is definitely fixed and greatly appreciated. It was cool being able to edit a piece outside pixelover and have it show up in it modified. Thanks for ironing out little bugs like that.