All of the changes and fixes in Play Test 2:
This one is a large update. Improving many elements I released in Play Test 1, a number of bug fixes and exciting new gameplay features!
All Pre-alpha Play Tests will be FREE -
Starbase Manager is an ambitious project, as a solo developer. I will not be able to achieve the full scope without an engaged community and feedback in the Discussion Board would be very much appreciated!
Please view the images taken from Play Test 2 at the end of the post, thank you.
New Features:
- Scout Expeditions unlocked for all systems in the sector
- 2 new random Exploration Expedition results (now there are 10 in total)
- Exploration Expedition resource rewards are scaled, up to 16 fleet total cargo space
- SH-01 displays in the hanger room when at least 1 is docked.
- 100mm Railgun MkI, Single Rocket Launcher & Small Chaingun now available to purchase in the Trident Guard Defense System (after completing the required research)
- Trader Offers now only last for 15 minutes until they are replaced with new offers (2 sets of offers in total currently available)
- Pirate Attacks
- Maximum number of Iron Mines increased to 10
- Maximum number of Mineral Extractors increased to 5
- Exploration Expedition lowered to 10 minutes
- Resources income balancing
- Trade Offers balancing
- 5 more calendar dates added
- Variety of research balancing
- Iron Mines now cost more resources to construct
- Balancing for all ships (even though SH-01, is only currently available)
- Visually updated in game menu
- Visually updated Hanger menu
- Visually updated Fleet Management menu
- Visually updated Sector Map menu
- Visually updated Hanger Broadcast menu
- Visually updated Communication Panel menu
- Visually updated Station Alarm menu
- Visually updated Trident Guard Defensive Systems menu
- Visually updated Starbase 7 Security Card
- Visually updated Calendar Date notification
- Visually updated New Message Received notification
- Visually updated Room notification
- Visually updated Resources panel
- Visually updated Office Tablet
- Visually updated New Offers Received notification
- Visually updated Galaxy News 24/7 notification
- Visually updated Coin, Iron, Mineral, Fuel and Energy Storage panels
Bug Fixes:
- Number of SH-01's in Fleet menu now displays correctly
- Number of SH-01's in Hanger menu now displays correctly
- SH-01 displays correct images in the Hanger menu
- Trade Market now displays correctly
- 'Purchased' now disappears after buying storage extensions
- Storage panel for all resources now updates corrects after purchasing storage expansions
- When purchasing 50mm defense weapon, the number owned now updates correctly
- Asteroid collision timer corrected
- Resources no longer go above their limit
- Important events such as Asteroid Collisions and Pirates Attack now appear above any open menu
- Fixed the inability to close the Asteroid Collision event window
- Fixed Ships not displaying properly in the Hanger menu and Fleet Management menu