This guide is not absolutely true for everyone who may be a Dreamer. Please seek legal help if you do plan on selling games or such.
Hey if you're an immigrant Dreamer who uploads games to, let me help you. So the first thing to understand is that IRS does not need your Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN). You were assigned a social security number (SSN) and this is how they will get all tax related subjects from you.
If you have past records using ITIN and now owned SSN, it is very important to contact IRS telling them to use SSN and not the ITIN. I do not know what happens if you never worked or never gotten any tax payments send to you. I assume you use SSN as noted, that is where you start for records.
Do you count as US Residents and what happens if DACA gets killed?
For this tax paper, you are consider a US resident as noted in the "help" button. If DACA is removed you need to seek legal help as I do not know much about immigrant laws with taxes.