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Molotov College

Super-powered Misfits Resisting the Doomed Future · By W.H. Arthur


A topic by b3aver. created Sep 29, 2022 Views: 124 Replies: 1
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I red the manual and It looks great but I wanted to touch on the playbook minority thing. I am not abelist or racist or sexist or homophobic or whatever else but I think that demanding of a character to be of a minority is pointless at best or harmful at worst. This is because giving the character a token minority trait undercuts the value of a character being it. Im not saying that the opression or struggle from that should always be a central focus but for example shoving in being black into a character that has no need to even have a described ethnicity is just weak in a narrative sense by either being completly ignored if the player doesn't want to focus on it or forcing the player to unnaturally give another development to already existing one. Of course it can be a struggle of the character but it should fit in with the rest of the character rather than being forced in by the playbook. The harmfull part is when the players learn that they NEED to have minority character for roleplaying which is just not the case as telling a good story can be done with any character.


"Oh wont someone PLEASE think of the able-bodied, neurotypical, cishet white men????"

Real talk: The game is ABOUT being a minority. That's the basic premise of the game. If you can't handle that then maybe it isn't for you.

Also, if you feel the need to preface your novel of a post complaining about having to play a minority in a game about minorities with "I am not abelist or racist or sexist or homophobic or whatever else but..." you may want to do some self-reflection before you hit the "post" button.

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