I think a lot of people decide to make their dream game from the start. Before they realise how difficult it can be. Here's some tips and advice that I've learnt in my time as a hobbyist game dev!
First of all I started making Wolfenstein 3d levels in about 2003. Adding my own textures and sprites etc. That's where it all began! Now I use various game engines and create soundtracks. I'll add I'm still a beginner. I have no IT qualifications and I work in construction. My computers are from 2004 and 2009. Last time I used Windows it was Vista!!! So I know Jack shit basically!
1. Start small and don't scope creep! Work within your limitations. Don't plan features you have no idea how to implement! Things can go downhill rapidly and you can be overwhelmed with the amount of curve balls coming your way! Time can also be a factor.
2. Set realistic goals. Aim to work on the project and achieve something each time you work. Even if it's small. Push the boundaries by all means and ALWAYS keep a back up copied of all your save files!
3. Good art goes a long way. There is no bigger turnoff than some shitty logo that looks like it was created in Microsoft paint by a toddler. There's AI art available and billions of stock images online. Or you can use a camera and create your own!! Shit cover art kills interest in a game! That goes for album art too! Doesn't have to be the Mona Lisa. I'm sure you get the drift. Put some effort in!
4. Good Sound design can really elevate a game. Put the effort in and try immerse the audience with high quality sound effects/music
5. Rest. Don't burn yourself out. Take time away from the computer to stay fresh and wait for new ideas to come to your mind. Don't rush the game creation process. Enjoy it and if you get frustrated take time out recharge and return to the project reinvigorated later on! Don't forgo sleep. Stay fresh stay healthy!
I'll add it's not about money either create games for yourself not for greed! Money is always good though right??? It's not the main reason to become an indie dev it's just a potential bonus/reward for your efforts.