Learning how to create a door that opens when the player comes within proximity was simple but a good base practise for developing the same in VR.
Unreal API writing Team. 2019. Opening Doors. https://docs.unrealengine.com/4.26/en-US/ProgrammingAndScripting/Blueprints/User...
Setting up actors again is just reinforcing current knowledge that I already know and good practice using the blueprint system with objects in the engine.
Making a static mesh was simple to implement and means that the doorframe has an actual mesh that stays in place. The asset came with a mesh and therefore added said mesh to the static mesh component of the actor.
Creating an event track log was a new tool I'd never interacted with before but now I understand that to make the door open when the player interacts with it this is necessary to allow the door the slowly and naturally open.
Moving onto the blueprint. Adding the door static mesh and using a SetRelativeRotation node and Making a rotator node I can affect the Z axis of the door. Finally, using Component overlap nodes to tell if the player enters the doors collision area, the door can be affected by the new rotation when the player comes into range and also leaves range.
This new knowledge isn't detailed enough for me to be satisfied but allows me to build off the knowledge and implement it into a proper VR scenario.