You have on your hands an amazing game. It's fun, it's addicting, it looks and sounds absolutely awesome. Combat is simple but enjoyable, even though it can get a bit hard to see what's going on. Going from to room to room shredding robots feels awesome. The story isn't very fleshed out, but still shows promise. I want more of this game.
While the core gameplay is very solid, there are some minor issues. Here are a list of them, along with some suggestions I have for the game.
- The flamethrower makes it almost impossible to tell where enemies and enemy projectiles are.
- I wish it was possible to switch back to your default infinite-ammo weapon so I can conserve ammo. If I have a bazooka with 20 shots, I don't want to waste any.
- Ammo drops are too small. It's very possible that I lose more ammo clearing a room than I gain. The above change would help, but I still think they should bigger.
- There needs to be more incentive to clear the rest of the floor. One thing I think would be cool is if rooms had a random chance to drop a powerup.
- Most rougelites have some kind of system where you get items that boost your power in some way or another. I'd like some kind of system like that in Corebreaker.
- Balance is all over the place, but it is just a demo, so that's not unexpected.
- Add some way to shoot vertically
I really, really like this game, and I hope you're able to turn it into a whole game. These are just a couple improvements that I think would really help the game