Every time I try to click "travel to Madrana", it takes me back to the Larklast Outer Harbor overview. The only Larklast quests I haven't done are 13 (ongoing) and 14 (unavailable).
be a god. slay your enemies. seduce their worshipers. · By
While at Larklast Outer Harbor i get the description of the harbor, and get the options to either leave or travel to Madrana.
Yes i got the quest from the divine about an invitation, kigdom under a dome, potential ally, but probably a trap yada yada...
I click on travel to Madrana - by boat cause have to go by mortal means etc - the text loops back to the description of the harbor, giving me once more the descripted options.
I tried to input Madrana as answered to the creator of this topic.
I got a message about Madrana being unlocked.
Yet when i go back to the harbor i still can't board the ship.
Can't go through the Hearth fast travel option either by the way.