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Questions Sticky

A topic by Coseph # created Nov 02, 2022 Views: 804 Replies: 15
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hi there sir. I've tried searching all over the internet for the answer to this question. but no results.. how do i perform an exorcism in ghostophobia?

Hi,All you need you need to so is select the type of ghost you think it is and it will give you the list of items you need to perform it,Them you need to gather those items and place all of the items together in the house for the ghost  to walk through.if you guess the ghost correctly you will see a white glow going up,If you guess it wrong it will get mad and attack you.


Hi! I new versions you must make chalk circle and put right exorcism items in it. Chalk is needed to prevent the ghost from getting angry while you are carrying things. Then the ghost must step on the circle.

Can we play it with random players I am asking this because I have no frinds


Not many players play the game. Try to look in different regions in the list of servers. Maybe you can find someone who created the lobby. You can also search for partners on our discord server.

How do i open the journal?

dale a esc y luego a clues

Quick but probably dumb question. I went on the van and looked at the button then clicked F but the game still doesn't start, what should I do?

Developer (1 edit)

Have you chosen a map?

it wont read me saying give us a sign :(


In the game you no longer have to speak into the microphone. You can use the 'Y' key


hello when i try to play it says connecting and i cant play how can i fix this issue


Try the "Reconnect" button

hi, how do you get items like the tempature reader or the walkie talkie because you cant buy them


You can get money by finding a bone. Also, at the initial stage, you can buy a camera and photograph a bone or a ghost, for which you will also receive money.