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Coseph #

A member registered Jul 09, 2021 · View creator page →

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Windows version. The window opens and closes almost immediately. It's a pity, but I'll watch the video in the comments. I was sooooooooo attracted by the cover and the whole style.

Very funny. I like this style :)


Yep :)

Doesn't start :(

Thanks. Sure)

Thank you ;]

Yes, the clouds were the last thing I worked on, when I suddenly noticed while adding all the art that they were missing :/

Thanks for the Feedback :)

The game is amazing, but next time work on the design, I really miss a pixel font here.

The music is quiet, and does not get boring. Good art.

There is an interesting abuse - just fly backwards to all the points, the missiles just do not have time. It was worth making a delay at the point where you need to take the documents.

Good game, I like it. (:

The idea with the rings is simple but works so well.. But I agree with one of the comments that maybe the player should have been given a little more space.

Still, I like the art and the overall gameplay plays well. Cool! :)

The idea with commands is interesting, but it fits painfully into the overall gameplay. The plane moves while you enter the command, and the commands themselves take a long time to write, at the moment it is more profitable to just fly and shoot. Simple but nice art and good music. Good job :)

A fun game with an interesting concept and implementation :)

Very nice sound design. Mechanics are complex but fun.

Thank you very much! I am very glad that it turned out to be satisfying. :]

Thank you very much! Still delighted with your game (:

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oh, I'm already fixed it

Version for Android, pls :) I will play sometimes

Probably the best game of this jam. Lots of potential and a lot of work. I'm only up to wave 14 and there's still plenty to play. Awesome!


Veeeeeeeeeeeeeeeery nice graphic style. The music is a bit catchy, but it's light, so I like it.

It's really cool that you managed to complete the game, I was afraid that none of the third-party players would do it :)

I really wanted to add trading, but I still couldn't play the game on weekdays, contrary to my plans.

Such an impossible difficulty is, unfortunately, the only way to make the game at least a little interesting.

Perhaps in the next week or two I'll add a couple of new mechanics in my free time from studying, we'll see what comes of it.

Try starting with 1-2 farms and later save up money for the first factory or brewery.

The brewery will increase the growth of residents (in order for residents to grow from breweries, much less alcohol production is needed than food)

The factory itself produces money in addition to clothes (which also increases growth).

I will also tell you about one bug-abuse, just don't tell anyone 🤫:

Taxes produce money every month, and you can increase taxes in the last third of the month, wait for the money to be paid, and again reduce taxes by 1 or 0.

I've noticed this myself more than once, I'll see what I can do

Because I don't have a controller, I usually don't make controls for it. However, one of my friends has it, maybe it’s worth trying and asking him to test it. Well, I'll think about it.

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What do you mean? The game was originally made for PC.

In the game you no longer have to speak into the microphone. You can use the 'Y' key

Try the "Reconnect" button

You can get money by finding a bone. Also, at the initial stage, you can buy a camera and photograph a bone or a ghost, for which you will also receive money.

Well, due to my busy study schedule, I can’t spend much time on the game, so the last update was quite a long time ago.

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1. Камера приближена к игроку слишком сильно, стоило её отдалить. Из-за маленького поля зрения очень не комфортно передвигаться.
2. На уровне нашёл всего одного врага, учитывая, что тема так и не была использована, можно было просто сделать большой сложный уровень и этого хватило бы.
3. В игре нельзя не выиграть, ни победить. Технически враг может, конечно, прижать к стенке или вынести за границы мира, но не думаю, что это стоит считать поражением, т.к. он нас освободил из застенок черно-бело-синего мира. :)
1. Музыка есть, какой бы она не была, из-за неё игра не ощущается абсолютно неживой, хотя и не хватает звуков выстрелов.

2. Отдельно хочу похвалить графику. Корабль главного героя очень красив и детализирован свето-тенью.

Для первой игры, созданной без какого-либо опыта довольно хорошо, однако если бы автор постарался бы чуть сильнее, то половину минусов мог бы исправить буквально менее, чем за час. Сделать уровень и отдалить камеру можно довольно легко.

Жду обновления, исправляющее первые два минуса!

Also original files from version 0.8.2 you can download on discord server:

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Starting from version 0.8.2 you can create your own localizations. You can send your own translation files so that I can add them to the new version, or so that other players who speak the same language as you can play in their native language.

There are two files (.json and .xml) in the Ghostophobia Classic_Data/Translation/ directory, meaning there are two ways to translate the game.

The video below shows how to translate the game.

There is also a file with instructions in the directory.

Important: If you use a .xml file for translation, then the .json file needs to be renamed, and vice versa, if you use a .json file, then you need to rename the .xml file.

Example file names when using .xml: "translation.xml", "translationNOT.json"

Example file names when using .json: "translationNOT.xml", "translation.json"

Thanks for your feedback! Because the boss was too difficult for most of the development team (especially the smaller guys), the decision was made to slow down their movement and attack.

Good use of theme, idea and visuals. However, very unpleasant sounds.

But overall I liked it. It was fun.

Well, it was worth clarifying the boss's spawn point. In theory, the boss should have suddenly appeared in the middle of the map when you approached that very middle.

You can see this in the gameplay video. This is the place to the left of the crack in the ground.

Too cool to be bad

I love this graphic style :0