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A high-end code editor for all things GameMaker · By YellowAfterlife

GmBuilder Building as if cleaned project

A topic by Klno created Nov 10, 2022 Views: 206 Replies: 2
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(1 edit)

Sorry if this isn't the place to report this

After some gms2 runtime update the builder extension started compiling the game as if the "clean project" button was pressed every compile (repackaging spritesheet, converting sounds etc) making compile times longer, i wanted to know if there is a way to solve this besides going back versions thanks 


I pushed a commit to git, and what a way to lose an evening. This is actually two-part:

  • Builder, apparently, has logic to auto-clean cache whenever a compile error occurs and after all game windows were closed.
    I feel like it wasn’t very successful at it, but maybe I accidentally fixed that.
    I added a pair of checkboxes to settings to control this and a menu button to explicitly clear cache.
  • Using forward slashes in paths now breaks caching in GameMaker compiler, which is probably a bug but also I’m not sure if I can complain about it since invoking compiler on your own isn’t documented to begin with.

All in all, this adds to a big pile of examples that GameMaker updates moving quicker also mean that assets and tools just got a whole bunch more expensive to maintain.

Thank you so much man worked like a charm