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Fiscal identity, when do you have to fill out this form and how is it done?

A topic by TOZUDO415 created Nov 30, 2022 Views: 215
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Fiscal identity, when do you have to fill out this form and how is it done? Identidad fiscal , cuando hay que rellenar este impreso y como se hace? Identidad fiscal , ¿cuando hay que rellenar este impreso y como se hace? Estoy esperando el cobro de unos juegos y no se si hice bien la gestion, al darle a pagos ya acumulaba mas de 5$ y pude hacerlo, le di a Fiscal identity, y reyene algunos datos sin saber que estaba haciendo ya recibi un email que no estaba bien rellenado y que no valia, el caso esque yo tenia la opcion puesta de que hacia las retenciones fiscales , vamos que no lo hacia yo por mi cuenta, la casilla de la izquierda active la de que hacia la retencion esa del 30%, me dijeron que el primer cobro tardaba habeces mas de 3 semanas…. si me equiboque yo con eso pierdo algo o solo tendre que estar otras 3 semanas, ahora me pone que esta en revision y que entre impuestos diversos cobrare bastante menos al ser el primer cobro creo, ¿realmente hay que reyenar algo del tema este de Identidad fiscal? ¿y cuando hay que hacerlo ?…suponiendo que se tenga que hacer eligiendo cualquiera de las dos opciones que da itch,io para gestionar los pagos…Bueno gracias y espero que sea util tambien para mas personas esta consulta.

Fiscal identity, when do you have to fill out this form and how is it done? I am waiting for the collection of some games and I do not know if I did the management correctly, when I clicked on payments I already accumulated more than $5 and I was able to do it, I gave Fiscal identity, and collected some information without knowing what I was doing, I already received an email that It was not filled out correctly and it was not worth it, the fact is that I had the option that made tax withholdings, come on, I did not do it on my own, the box on the left activated the one that made the 30% withholding, they told me that the first payment took more than 3 weeks…. if I made a mistake with that, I lose something or I will only have to spend another 3 weeks, now it tells me that it is under review and that I enter Various taxes I will charge much less as it is the first charge I think, do we really have to reign something about this issue of tax identity? And when do you have to do it?…assuming that it has to be done by choosing any of the two options that itch,io gives to manage payments…Well, thanks and I hope this query is also useful for more people.

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