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Controls Sticky

A topic by Sonic Sloth created Dec 21, 2022 Views: 1,576 Replies: 5
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Developer (1 edit)

Several control schemes are supported.


  • For 1 or 2 button joysticks.
  • Tap fire to shoot. (Auto-fire functionality recommended).
  • Hold fire for lightning.
  • Space for powerline.
  • Crouch + Space for gyroscope/wheel.
  • Fire + Space for super weapon.
  • If your joystick has two unique buttons, Fire 2 will work the same as Space.

1 Button Auto-Fire:

  • This control scheme makes life easier if you do not have an auto-fire on your joystick.
  • Hold fire whilst moving to auto-fire.
  • Hold fire whilst not moving for lightning.
  • Powerline/Gyro/Super as the same as original.

2 Buttons:

  • For 2 button joysticks.
  • Fire 1 for auto fire.
  • Fire 2 for lightning.
  • Powerline/Gyro/Super as the same as original.


  • CD32/Xbox buttons are named, but other controllers work.
  • Red/A for jump.
  • Green/X for shoot.
  • Blue/B for lightning.
  • Reverse/L1 for powerline.
  • Forward/R1 for gyroscope/wheel.
  • Yellow/Y for Super.

Joypad Customised:

  • Set your own controls!
  • Select your Pad as CD32, Xbox, Playstation to visualise the correct button names.

Auto (this is the default):

  • Detects if a CD32 joypad is plugged in.
  • Uses the Joypad scheme if found.
  • Uses the original scheme if not found.

Additional controls:

  • Pause: P on keyboard, or Play/Menu on a joypad.
  • Suicide: Escape on keyboard, or HOLD Play/Menu on a joypad.

Look Down:

If you enable this option, crouch for a second without shooting and the screen will scroll down and slightly ahead. This is useful in cases where you have to make blind jumps.

Gyro Jump:

If enabled, you can jump out of the gyroscope mode at any time, rather than only when on the ground.

Hi and first of all thanks for the game, it plays superb! Great job!

About the controls, I use a Xbox One controller on Windows but although I select "Joypd - Xbox" (or "Joypad Customised")  on the controls menu, only the directional pad and buttons A and B seem to work. B-Y-L1-R1 do not respond. Is there a fix for this? I'd so love to play the game with the Xbox One controller!


Are you playing in an emulator like WinUAE?

If you are, you need to configure the input device to act like a CD32 joypad, and not just a normal joystick. For WinUAE, in the menu (F12), go to "Game Ports", for Port 2 select your controller, and then under that change it from "Default" to "CD32 pad"

Thanks for the info. Now I can use all the buttons on the Xbox controller!

(2 edits)

Při použití kontroléru Mega Drive je funkční pouze 1 tlačítko označené B, i když testovací aplikace "MDPADread" na Amigu 1200 může používat 4 tlačítka vč. tlačítka "Start", pro některé hry verze WHDload pro CD32 lze použít 2 tlačítka, nemohl by přidat tento poměrně rozšířený ovladač?

Sega řadiče na A1200 ? - Strana 2 - Anglická Amiga Board (

amazing job on the extra control schemes but just to confirm, keyboard controls are not redifiable, correct? I wish you could also use L shift/alt as well to allow some more hand space :)