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Sonic Sloth

A member registered Aug 26, 2015 · View creator page →

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I've asked around to see if anyone else had this problem. It is strange as the change between the two is very small, and should be quite reliable. How sure are you that the CD32 image was burned correctly?

I the meantime I've made v1.20 available for download as well as v1.21 so people have the option.

v1.21 contains a fix for CD32 pads not working on a small number of real Amigas.

This is a technical limitation on the Amiga. The display actually consists of three 'screens', each with its own palette. The credits screen has to be separate from the gameplay screen because it fades independently. It takes a certain number of scanlines for the copper to change palette for each screen change meaning you need a few black lines which is where you may see a gameplay sprite get cut off.

The original Turrican 2 does the same thing, although as it only uses 16 colours it can do the screen swap in 1 scanline.

Thanks for the positive comments, and the comprehensive bug reports.

I haven't look into detail for them all, but regarding 'water surface level aware color tint effect', I'm not sure what you mean. The effect where the lower part of the player changes colour when they are in the water is working in World 1. World 2 uses a different approach where the entire palette changes as you travel under water. Both of these should be the same as the original Amiga version.

As for the Make my day sound effect. I knew about this, but my choice to use an audio mixer (and so never have the music channels cut out) meant it was not as easy as the original game to modify sound effects to play at different frequencies.

One thing to look out for (mentioned here: )

"If you press MENU to change the games settings in the menu, the A500 Mini will modify the uae file, undoing some of the performance improvements and degrading the experience."

It is possible you inadvertently modified some joypad settings here too. Although I can't say for sure if that was the problem.

Anyway, I'm happy you've got it working and that you are enjoying the game!

When you say it doesn't work, are you saying it completely stopped working, or just partially works?

Have you checked the control settings in the game to ensure you haven't set it to use keyboard or something?

I just installed FS-UAE v3.1.66 and v3.1.68 launcher on my Windows 10 machine.

All I did was select CD32 from the Amiga Model, the ISO file in the CD-ROM drive, and set Fast RAM to 4MB. It ran without problem. Took maybe a minute to get to the main menu though. You don't need a CUE file.

When you say it crashes, what happens? And what system are you running on?

  • Fix for speed run entries in the hiscore board.
  • Floating pods will now release items when killed via smart bomb.
  • Giant wheels in World4-2 can be damaged when in  gyro mode.
  • Super weapon can activated when using lightning/beam weapon.
  • The walker on the pedestal at the start of W4-1 is now shown during the screen wipe.

One user reported a "Out of Chip RAM" crash that could occur when doing many playthrough's in the NewGame+ mode, in WHDLoad.

The v1.19 release fixes it. Although the change is tiny, it has not been as thoroughly tested as previous releases, so please let me know of any problems.

DOS is 31 pixels wide, 36 high (for standing pose)

Amiga is 29 pixels wide.

Hi, glad you like the game.

I hadn't noticed that the OCS Amiga version didn't do the same thing to be honest. I've added it to my list to look at if I do an update in the future.

When you unlocked the golden armour it gave you a code that you could type in at the player menu to unlock it again. That code still works. Email me if you forgot it, but it is easy to guess!

if I do another update I’ll look at this but I have to say I can’t see the difference. Possibly because the images are scaled differently?

It was confusing players who expected it to be more like a save/load on demand system that lets you undo your mistakes etc. and I was getting a lot of queries about it. Really it was only ever intended as a way to resume games if the player doesn't have time to play through the entire game. Getting rid of the save slots menu clears up the confusion (I hope!).

I've no idea. If they are Amiga emulators I presume they can handle ADFs, HDF or WHDLoad files. So one of those versions should work. Don't use the A500 Mini version though unless you know what you are doing.

The entire whdload_db file with Turrican v1.18 added can be download here if anyone is having trouble editing an xml file.

I've made some minor tweaks to the blues and reds of the Amiga sprite in v1.15 (just released)

Unfortunately there are so many different Amiga emulators out there, I can't say how to get it working on all of them. You're best consulting the relevant communities for advice.

(3 edits)

I recommend you completely delete the last version before installing v1.18, as the file structure has completed changed.

From the v1.15 update (that was previously pulled due to a bug in the spaceship levels):

  • Fix for saved progress not always correctly saving lives, diamonds.
  • Player can use lightning whilst riding water/conveyor belts.
  • Story sequence text pauses to make it easier to read.
  • Minor palette tweak to Amiga player sprite to better match rest of game.
  • Using a Continue will now restart the current level, rather than the current world.
  • Joypad user defined controls allow shoot and lightning on the same button.
  • Laser has slower reloads during boss fights (to match original game).
  • Multiple shot weapon speed changed to matched original game.
  • Minor fix to gameplay sequence in menu (Walkers died too quickly)
  • Fix for getting stuck down W1-2 waterfall.
  • For for W2-2 exploit where player could stay outside of the screen bounds.
  • Fix to being to activate final lift when not fully on it.
  • Fix for underwater palette when using golden armour.
  • Fix for redefining joypad keys.
  • Fix if player manages to jump up to final boss without using lift.

From the v1.18 update:

  • Fixed crashes and weapon bugs from spaceship levels.
  • PAL/NTSC versions are combined.
  • Amiga DOS and HDF versions now supplied.
  • Can quit from the menu.
  • Added missing Floaters/Shields from several levels.
  • There is now only a single save slot, always active, and can be used to resume your last game.
  • Laser re-balanced.
  • Music fix for 040/060s floppy version.
  • Rewrite of file and memory management.
  • Two speed run bugs fixed.

I know there was a new core release for Vampire cards to deal with the emulation problems, you should check if you have the latest.

I've just tried to reproduce this with 4.9.1 (also 4.10.0) of WinUAE (both 32 and 64bit versions). I ran the floppy version as it looks like that was what you were using. I tried PAL and NTSC versions. I tried official ROMs and AROS ROMs. I can't get the problem to occur. Almost all testing was done using WinUAE, and I probably played it a thousand times so something odd is going on here.

If you can get it to happen repeatedly, it would be  useful to have your WinUAE config file, or you may have been extremely unlucky and hit a very rare problem. You could also try moving to WinUAE 4.10.1 which was just released.

Also I haven’t had any bug reports about energy loss in either version so I don’t know what that is. 

(1 edit)

What hardware was this running on?

FPGA machine by any chance? The only times I’ve seen issues like that are on FPGA machines with less than perfect emulation. In some cases updating them to the latest core can fix it. 

v1.1 (just released) updates the scrolling inertia. It is intentionally not exactly the same as the original, but should be closer now.


  • Save game slots added (WHDLoad, A500 Mini versions)
  • CD32 ISO version (requires 4MB Fast RAM)
  • Two new game modes. Speed run and New Game+
  • Rebalanced all sound effect volumes
  • Lots more control options

New features:

  • Options to set the music/fx volume added
  • Music menu
  • Press S to toggle in-game music
  • New control option to use Arrow Keys
  • Control option to turn off AutoFire
  • 2nd Fire button on joysticks can be set to control Lightning, Jump or Gyro/Powerline.
  • Sparkles added to title logo
  • Scrolling inertia updated to be closer to original game
  • Option to view Intro from menu

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a crash that mostly occurred in later levels
  • Fix for silver diamonds sometimes showing as yellow
  • Diamond sound effect fixed
  • Fix for HUD values sometimes not updating
  • Jump height is reduced in waterfalls
  • Waterfalls animate faster
  • Fix for super weapon
  • Hiscores now say END when game completed
  • World 2-1 boss can no longer be shot from above
  • World 2-1 big fish follows player up/down
  • World 1-2 end of level boss, brain flash is clearer + tweaked damage
  • World 4-1 small update to secrets
  • World 3-3 after ship is repaired, players ship lets off a shot
  • Fix for player being able to jump and get stuck in World 4-2
  • Fix for player being able to roll and get stuck in World 5-1
  • Fix when quitting the game when animated tiles are in the background
  • Fix to Time Out handling


  • New silver diamond sprite
  • Now defaults to using Amiga player sprite
  • Continues not allowed in Challenge mode

Here is a screenshot of how your THEA500/whdboot/game-data/whdload_db.xml file may look after you add the game. Normally there would be other games in there too.

I rewrote the code from scratch attempting to recreate the original as close as possible just by playing the original (and by watching longplay videos). I didn't have any access to the original source code.

The game requires Fast RAM, it doesn't run on a base A1200. You only need a 1MB Fast RAM expansion to run the floppy version.

There is currently no CD32 iso, although it is on my list to look at.

You need to use floppy or WHDLoad versions currently.

Thanks, I'm glad you like it. When people that asked to donate something, I have just suggested that they buy my old PC Indie game from itch:

I can't see that Facebook link, but I know some of the FPGA hardware has problems on World 3. There was a firmware update for minimig's that fixed it, and I believe an update for Vampire v4 is coming soon. Not sure about mister, but check you have the latest, or ask the author to look to fix it.

It does of course work on real Amigas and the latest WinUAE.

Thanks. That option already exists, set the difficulty to Trainer, and Time to Infinite.

Thanks Marmacc. If it wasn't for your testing on higher end processors I'm not sure I ever would have resolved it.

Thanks. From my experience a base A1200 would not have been able to do this without losing something (probably fewer bitplanes and fewer enemies or smaller bosses, or perhaps drop to 25hz). However an A1200 with just a little bit of Fast RAM (no accelerator needed), is a pretty competent machine, able to do a great deal more.

Are you playing in an emulator like WinUAE?

If you are, you need to configure the input device to act like a CD32 joypad, and not just a normal joystick. For WinUAE, in the menu (F12), go to "Game Ports", for Port 2 select your controller, and then under that change it from "Default" to "CD32 pad"

This is enabled by default, but can be turned off by settings "Secrets" to "Original" in the gameplay menu.

Each level (excluding the spaceship sections) contain three hidden drones. They become visible when shot, but also let off a sound when they are on screen as a hint. Follow the drones to find secret items. Collect all 24 secret items and complete the game to unlock a special gameplay option.

(1 edit)

Several control schemes are supported.


  • For 1 or 2 button joysticks.
  • Tap fire to shoot. (Auto-fire functionality recommended).
  • Hold fire for lightning.
  • Space for powerline.
  • Crouch + Space for gyroscope/wheel.
  • Fire + Space for super weapon.
  • If your joystick has two unique buttons, Fire 2 will work the same as Space.

1 Button Auto-Fire:

  • This control scheme makes life easier if you do not have an auto-fire on your joystick.
  • Hold fire whilst moving to auto-fire.
  • Hold fire whilst not moving for lightning.
  • Powerline/Gyro/Super as the same as original.

2 Buttons:

  • For 2 button joysticks.
  • Fire 1 for auto fire.
  • Fire 2 for lightning.
  • Powerline/Gyro/Super as the same as original.


  • CD32/Xbox buttons are named, but other controllers work.
  • Red/A for jump.
  • Green/X for shoot.
  • Blue/B for lightning.
  • Reverse/L1 for powerline.
  • Forward/R1 for gyroscope/wheel.
  • Yellow/Y for Super.

Joypad Customised:

  • Set your own controls!
  • Select your Pad as CD32, Xbox, Playstation to visualise the correct button names.

Auto (this is the default):

  • Detects if a CD32 joypad is plugged in.
  • Uses the Joypad scheme if found.
  • Uses the original scheme if not found.

Additional controls:

  • Pause: P on keyboard, or Play/Menu on a joypad.
  • Suicide: Escape on keyboard, or HOLD Play/Menu on a joypad.

Look Down:

If you enable this option, crouch for a second without shooting and the screen will scroll down and slightly ahead. This is useful in cases where you have to make blind jumps.

Gyro Jump:

If enabled, you can jump out of the gyroscope mode at any time, rather than only when on the ground.

The original only had one mode, but I have added:

Easy mode:

  • Start with 5 lives instead of 3.
  • Enemies/bosses have lower health.
  • Your score and bonuses will be reduced

Hard mode:

  • Start with 3 lives as normal.
  • Enemies/bosses will have more health.
  • Your score and bonuses will be increased.

Challenge mode:

  • Start with 3 lives
  • No extra lives will appear in the game (they are replaced with health power ups)
  • Plays like normal difficulty and normal scores apply.

Trainer mode:

  • Plays like normal difficulty and normal scores apply.
  • No score is recorded in the hiscore table.
  • Can enable infinite lives, health, powerlines, etc. from the menu.
  • Use the following cheat keys:
  • F1: Restore Health
  • F2: Extra Life
  • F3: Shield
  • F5: Skip Level
  • F6: Skip World
  • 1/2: Adjust multiple weapon strength
  • 3/4: Adjust laser weapon strength
  • 5/6: Adjust bounce weapon strength
  • 7/8: Adjust lightning length
  • 0: Smart bomb
(3 edits)

The included A500 mini version is configured to work with the v1.1.1.a5u firmware (the latest at time of release). It is likely possible to get it working with the original firmware (it worked in the past), but would need changes to the configuration files.

The normal WHDLoad version runs poorly on the Mini. There are significant slow downs (especially in World 3-3) and graphical corruption. The special A500 mini version included with this game was produced with configuration and code changes to run the game well - but there are still occasional flickers in the games status bar due to less than perfect emulation.

To run it:

1. Prepare a USB stick for WHDLoad using the official guide here:

2. Add the contents of Turrian2AGA.xml to your whdload_db.xml file. This will be on your USB stick, in the folder "THEA500/whdboot/game-data". Ensure you place the game entry inside the <whdbooter> </whdbooter> section of the file.

3. Copy Turrican2AGA.lha and Turrican2AGA_ol.uae to your USB stick, in the folder "THEA500".

4. On your A500 Mini, insert the USB stick, navigate to THEA500/Turrican2AGA and press the HOME button on your joypad to start the game.

5. On first run, it can take a long time to start (around 2 minutes). Subsequent runs start much faster. It seems that the A500 Mini does some kind of file cacheing.

IMPORTANT: If you press MENU to change the games settings in the menu, the A500 Mini will modify the uae file, undoing some of the performance improvements and degrading the experience.

A quick welcome post to say please be courteous, I hope you enjoy the game, and if you are reporting compatibility bugs, please give full details about your system setup. Thanks