The museum P.A. system is a combination of hand written lines by me (awash in 5 years of reading,listening to, watching everything D.A. I can find all day long). I tried to mimic his style of writing, make puns, hints, etc.
All of this writing then gets run through text to speech generators with 9-ish different character actors I've worked out. They are as follows:
- Entry Voice Guy (he's the voice when you enter the museum on boot up)
- Snarky Lady who complains about everything (earth particles, "3lv1s" license plate and more)
- Super deep announcer voice (disaster area announcement)
- Soothing older man (story about the pens and fake universes)
- Drive thru bartender
- Drive thru customer robot lady
- Factoid reading lady
- Quiet Scottish guy
- Eddie the museum board computer (definitely not like the original entirely)
Any other voices you hear in the PA are actually in your head and you should seek out a physician... Not really, but the rest of the voices are alterations and audio effects done in audacity.
I could use lots of help with making up new funny announcements, references, jokes and factoids. If you have a new script or lines you want to have added please tell me which actors are in the scene and talking and what the lines are. I can handle the rest from there and put it in!
As per usual try not to just steal whole chunks of the book, movies, etc., word for word. I know I did for the Vogon poetry but I mean... There's one D.A. written source of Vogon poetry I know of and that's it... Soooo.... Otherwise I'm grabbing from "And another thing" and that's divisive in the community. Soooo.... Anyways. Help wanted!