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Fallout 2 Remake 3D

Fallout 2 Remake 3D FPS Boomer Shooter RPG · By Jonasz O.


A topic by Jonasz O. created Jan 04, 2023 Views: 4,672 Replies: 75
Viewing posts 1 to 26
Developer (1 edit)

If you have any question about this development just ask :)

How do I get this to  display text in English?


open options and on below click on "English" to receive English language

Thanks, for future reference and anyone else needing this info,  the button to  click  is titled "OPCJE"... it all makes sense. 

Just  a heads up,  it only converts some of the text to English, and after you die it converts back to Polish(?),  also having a bit of trouble with the entire gameplay,  especially VATS(or whatever is was called in FO2).  I played this game out of the box way  back 20 some odds years ago(still have the original CD for this and FO1).  I like what you're doing here though,  and I'm interested to see how it develops. 


4th button from the top on the Main Menu, then you will see English on the bottom on the Option Panel

Hello, noob here... are there any quests available in the game at the moment? also is there a way to save? The game is awesome so far, keep up the great work :)


no quest added yet, yes i upload new version 2 hours ago with save / load option

So... is there a way to talk to NPCs in this game?

Developer (1 edit) (+2)

not yet, im developing now inventory


Ah, fair enough, well thanks for your reply! What you've done so far is already super cool!

How i enter to another city?


click on green triangle. But only Arroyo and Klamath is avaliable

(1 edit)

ok thanks, but that means that i can't gente in other cities? And you will fix it?


Arena and the early versions of Arroyo and Klamath are the only playable areas at this time. 


Can you change your name and age yet?


not yet, now the name is attached to the character

Gotcha. Gotta say, I love the passion you've put into this

(1 edit)

Will downloadable versions of the game be available again for offline play in the future? Seems downloadable builds were available recently (at least according to the version log).


yes of course, i delete now because i will upload one newest version for all, i update game frequently so thats why i hold browser version, because its easiest to compile and upload

Thank you for clarifying! Looking forward to this project's completion.

Will there be rebindable keys in the future? I am left handed and wasd isn't really ideal for me, so I would like to be able to rebind some keybinds.

I have the same problem. I don't have a mouse though so I can't choose my menu icon.


This game require mouse pointer to play, just like Original F2

(1 edit)

First of all, I wanna say thank you for making this. This has a lot of promise, so please, please keep working on it. Always wanted to play one of my favorite games in first person!

I downloaded the win64 version, and I tried to extract it, and I got this error message.

Edit: oh, the image didn't show up.

Basically, I tried to extract it with ultimatezip, and I got the error message: Extract not supported for this file type.

Also, I tried playing the browser version, and it's got some serious issues. I chose to have 5 agility, but it only gave me 5 action points instead of 8, and more importantly, and I'll try to move forward, and I'll randomly either move very slowly, or even worse move backwards very quickly, often getting pushed through walls and have to reload my game.

Also, the browser version isn't non-fullscreen friendly.  Using the mouse scroll will pull me down the website page, and quicksaving will, I don't how to describe it, but it basically pulls me to the part of your browset where you type in website links.

Hi. I am really glad to see projects like these. I am afraid what will the answer be, and frankly im baffled there is no such question already in this q&a.

So, how is it with you recreating a game that is famous ip, and someone else is owning it?


Hi, reply is easy. Bethesda supports this project

Good! If there will be any more info please add it in.

It's a nice start but is there a way to create a custom character?  Also how do you actually exit the game?  I can't seem to access the main menu.


hi, you choose only avatar and buids character screen allow you to create a custom character. You must reset game to start again


dude, most of the functionalities aren't even working yet, why do you need custom character?


lol because the default ones suck balls?  duh

(2 edits)

Hello, great job, fallout 2 is my all time favourite game (played through at least 10 times with different stat characters)

2 questions/suggestions:

1 - How can I check the description and stats of an equipment in the inventory? 

2 - Are you planning to make original save option (not just quick save/load, but 10 separate save slot as in the original game)?

Thanks, and keep up the great work!


Hello, i must prepare all description for items. i have for all weapons but i add soon posibility to display in info monitor (i must prepare for 3 languages) 

Also i will do save load option like in original game (more less) with 10 save states


Okay, I'm retarded: how do I get past the temple of trials?


first door use lockpicks skill. Second door use explosives (drop near door)

THANK YOU! Can't wait to check out your game more thoroughly!

I dropped the explosives, but they won't explode. What else do I have to do?


first right mouse button to activate, you will see information in message monitor, then you have 15s to drop:)

hello, how do i run the game on linux? currently using Debian 12 64 bits


i upload now newest possible version 'linuc64 nwjs116' check this file when will be available to download

is this remake a replica of the original rpg?



(1 edit)

Been following this project for a while now. Definitely solid work! A couple of quick questions, though: 

How do I go about waiting/resting? And would doing so allow me to heal?

You recently fixed First Aid. Does that mean I can no longer spam the skill?


now you can use your healing rate by walking on world map, or use first aid. Now this skill use action points but you can use frequently. Restong in hotel will be in. Update. Thank you. Regards 

Actually, I have a PC from 2009 w/ a videoboard of the same year, and when I try to play, my game just freezes on a black screen after I finish my character.

I can run Fallout 3 or NV but didn't this one. Do you have some idea about why?  


what windows you have? 32 or 64 bit?

64 bit


i upload new versions: nwjs80, nwjs86... check them

sorry but no one of those builds works, It's the same problem. Screen black and freezin' after I create my character.


i must ask engineer of construct 3 about that. 

I think you have updated GPU drivers. But construct 3 uses newest 3d liblary.  Try update ditect x 9

Ah I see. My geforce g210 support until DX10, so I will update and see what happened. 


Still doesn't work since my video board support until DirectX's 10.1. Probably my architecture is too old for that engineer of Construct 3 as you said.

Thank you for your help, will play when I have a better PC :)

Will Fallout 1 ever see similar treatment?

Developer (1 edit)

if successfully i made F2 i think make F1 will be possile. Maybe F1 will be better because i gain experience now

hey if you can fix the steal mode that would help alot, Im stuck and need to steal that rock from my aunt in the village to have the guy sharpen my spear.


hi, stealing skill is not ready yet ;) im working now 


steal skill added

what do i do to add the file in or do i need to uninstall then reinstall


just download on your device and run .exe 

How to use the Skill points in the character creation? the +/- does nothin'


on character creation page you dont have skill points. Just TAG points. Its red small buttons on left side of skill name

(1 edit)


Great job!  I really enjoy your work!

Question1: When do you plan to introduce barter function?

Question2: Currently you can not store items in containers (you can only put stuff from container to inventory, but not from inventory to container). Do you plan to modify this?

Both questions are because in the original game you get a lot of scraps/etc you do not need or not able to carry, but it can be a major income (like Gecko hides), but currently its not yet working.

Question3: is there an option to carry over the Saved game from one released version to another? (Not to loose progress as you update the game itself).



1 Barter function is more less next thing to do.

Question2 You can already put things into containers, leave scene and back, and you should find your items in container. 

Maybe you found bug? What container dont work?

3 For now not possible, everything is stored in browser memory


Thanks for the answers!

Regarding the container issue: I just tried every single one in Klamath and in Arroyo (bookshelves, desks, etc), None of them seem to work for me. I can take stuff from container to inventory, but not from inventory to container. So it seems to be a bug. ( I use the windows X64 version)

(However If I drop an item on the street, It will still be there if I leave the scene and the come back.)

Developer (1 edit)

You have right, when i try put one thing into container item back to inventory. I found this bug and will be fixed

Hello, I'm still learning Linux, I have no idea how to install or run this.

I try to take care of Hakunin's plants and the village goes hostile?  I'm unarmed. I thought maybe the game assumed I was trying to punch at someone in the distance but even when I'm making sure to aim away from villagers they all turn hostile and start kicking my teeth in. Can spears break? Using mine in the temple of trials had it disappear on me, as well.

What locations are currently in game? And how do I get action points because I can barley make it out the temple because when I use the spear it takes me down to 3 action points and then stays their 

Deleted post

i dont know anything about F1 remake in 3d. Lot of people ask me about remade fallout 1. i should first finish this project, gain experience and then work on F1

Deleted post

How do I get action points, when I use my spear it takes me down to 3 and I can't get them back.


AP regenerate every 0.5 s

For me it doesn't, I could barley make it out of the temple of trials.