Also some tiles seem to ignore lightning or not have lighting associated with them (this might be something you're aware of) but you can also see the -1 karma hit I mentioned in my first post here. Right now Klamath seems perpetually in this orange haze/late afternoon lightning. (Re-launching the program seems to fix this)
A member registered Apr 03, 2020
Recent community posts
- I saved smiley in the Toxic Caves- got him to the transition to the upper part of the caves and got the XP but lost 15 karma. This also shows up as -15 in the character sheet. It also said I lost 1 additional Karma when I returned to Klamath (this does not show on the character sheet) the only thing I could imagine happening there is interacting with NPCs around a barrel fire- none of them had any dialogue or anything.
- If you have the crosshair turned off and you disable and then re-enable the HUD the crosshair will be set on your screen.
- I also seem to be able to use First Aid without limit, healing to full as needed.
I try to take care of Hakunin's plants and the village goes hostile? I'm unarmed. I thought maybe the game assumed I was trying to punch at someone in the distance but even when I'm making sure to aim away from villagers they all turn hostile and start kicking my teeth in. Can spears break? Using mine in the temple of trials had it disappear on me, as well.