The target audience (TA) is very different, if you want to earn money in the mobile world, forget about using the same game format as on PC.
It's not that the same game can't be ported, it's just that the vast majority of mobile players don't like the format used on PC.
On mobile, most people tend to play casual games, very short games.
Unless they know the game or the franchise, it will be difficult to get paid for the game.
That is why most of the games are usually free, try to attract people and once inside, abuse mechanics such as freemiun or advertising to generate money.
It is not the only model, but it is the most recurrent.
And the same thing happens the other way around, a game designed for mobile doesn't usually look good in a store like steam.
Note: Yes, it is possible and there are examples of games for both systems, but the good ones, which have some success, have a major redesign between the two versions, they are not the same game, just compiled on different operating systems.
Before jumping into the adventure, it is best that you try to study your TA and the business model you want to implement.
If you just make games as a hobby, that's another history.
VN is a very special genre.
It can be played quite well, both on PC and mobile.
Look at it in the following way, if you do it only for PC, you will have 7 downloads, if you do it only for mobile, you will have 3.
If you do it for mobile and PC, you will have 10.
You can take advantage of the fact that VNs are not very complicated to adapt and reach more people.