Hi - I tried your game after you commented about it on a reddit post about 12 hours ago (you'd commented on my games and asked for feedback on yours).
I'm not very good at it. I find the ship moves too slowly for me to able to dodge the enemy bullets and such easily. I'm sure there's upgrades you can probably get to make your ship more agile, but I'm not good at this game and so kept getting killed and having to repair the ship.
I like the concept.
The menus could be a little clearer. When I first played the game before I went out for breakfast this morning I died straight away, then I came back after lunch and tried again and I kept clicking Play Mission which did nothing because I didn't realise I had to repair the ship first. So it would have been beneficial to put maybe a little message on screen saying "Cannot play mission because ship must be repaired first" or something.
There's little things like that that make it a bit easier to know what to do. I didn't read all the 'how to play' as it was far too long for me to get into.
I do like the graphical style, but I feel the ship is too cumbersome to move at the beginning, and some of the menu prompts could be a little clearer at knowing what to do.