Hey Guys,
Look I totes love the game, overall concept is fantastic I've spent about 20 - 30 (I'ma casual -_- sue me) hours playing it and it's just brilliant.
I do however have one, well actually two issues, given that the game is in it's beta phase one is lead to assume that what you have now is relatively close to the end product, that said my issue/s is this. How come there are (at the very least in my experience) certain encounters that can end in you getting fucked (scuse the crude language but given the subject matter I'm gonna guess you guys won't mind) but not the other way around.
For example and this is just in my experience so far, the Ogre, the Queen bee, the Demon Knight and I'm assuming the Demon King probably falls into that category as well although I have only fought her once. Sure the sense of achievement and little titular rewards aren't all that bad but given what happens to you when you lose I feel it's only fair you get the option of exacting the same out come on them. After all some of these fights take quite a bit of investment to get to, not to mention win.
My second gripe sort of lines up with the first, in that only scenes where you are getting fucked are animated but when you are doing the fucking it's stills. Look I'm not trying to be a dick but it almost seems as if the overall erotic gratification gained from the game leans toward you being a bitch because dominance is not reward in the same manner or even sometimes at all as mentioned in the paragraph above.
There are a couple other instances I've come across that fit into this as well namely Alma (although I will admit I haven't really fully explored all possibilities with her) and the bunny bar keep in the Demon King's realm. I apologize whole heartedly if this causes any offense please know that was not the intention, it's just a little irritating that the sexual interactions seem so limited to you being on the receiving end rather than the giving.
thanks for reading mates and keep up the good work.