Heya, wanted to ask, are most encounters able to be completed through topping them (the way the wereslut and brigand encounters can be). I've been trying it with urka and wondering if its actually possible
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If you get perception to 3(maybe4?), during battles on the right side of the menu there's like a W, L, D, AK, OK and such, if you hover over them it tells you what kind of ending is available, the problem is that its not too specific on how, and even then, some of them don't seem to initiate, like the oral knot from the wereslut.
Like Visvisus said, get perception high enough to display the win conditions. Any encounter with "DA" as a winning condition can be won by topping.
If you are confused on the specifics, my understanding is this:
It's unlikely (I don't know if charisma effects this or how the numbers work exactly) that your encounters will end after one busted nut. You'll have to try and DA or SA multiple times. The Wereslut will automatically Knot you before the SA or SO condition triggers afaik