I have a display problem with the updated version of FPV Freerider and also on the Demo of Recharged.
Graphics are Ok but all letters or numbers on the menu are unreadable.
Do you have also this kind of problem on these 2 new versions ?
My OSX version is 10.9.5
Enclosed the screen copy : https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/55815461/Capture%20d%E2%80%99%C3%A9cran%202016-06-09%20%C3%A0%2022.29.38.png
Thanks for your help !
I did not update to Yosemite because my iMac slow down dramaticaly when I try this version. Also, I loose all my albums in the new iPhoto and the old version is not available with Yosemite.
So I reinstall my old back up with Maverick OS.
Thanks FPV Freerider if you can solve this font API problem in the next release. FYI The first release of the game works very well with Maverick, and I love your game!