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The Better Sprite Editor

A better sprite editor made by Forrest Lowe. · By one sketchy guy

Rough Edges

A topic by Pixelevator created Feb 06, 2023 Views: 82 Replies: 1
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I want to like this editor but I feel the rough edges really let it down. The tileset editor mode is what I like most about it, but using this mode makes the editor lag a lot (I'm on Windows 11 btw), so I can't edit tiles and add them on the go. The editor itself is a little slower than I'm used to, with the pixel placement trailing behind my strokes.

The tiled mode's window can't be enlarged and the pixels don't wrap around the canvas, so I have to squint to check on what I'm doing. I'm better off just eyeballing the regular canvas at that point.

I've noticed a lot of planned features also haven't been followed up on so I'm not sure if this program has been abandoned or what.

You're right, this is sorta abandoned. I've been secretly working on moving the code base away from it's current source because the windows form framework is too inefficient for my needs.

You can find the source code for the original project in the forums, where it's fully open sourced. You can branch and continue working on it, however I will not be continuing the journey. The next version of this editor will change the program entirely.