I am trying to run your game with the standalone application and I get a Code error every time. The game starts but when I press continue the game window turns white and a pop up window appears with the following code error:
action number 1
of Step Event0
for object obj_backgrounds_moving_right:
Variable obj_backgrounds_moving_right.movepos(100044, -2147483648) not set before reading it.
at gml_Object_obj_backgrounds_moving_right_Step_0
After this I have to click abort and the game stops running.
If I start a new game it's all well until I actually try to do a mission. I can't use aim withe mouse. The pointer doesn't move so I have to face all enemies with the arrow keys, yet unable to aim. This makes the game unplayable for me and I would really love to play your game.
I had already posted this issue on another member's thread but I decided to create this one with the additional "Code error" information. If you need more information on my system's spec and/or game log, I'll be happy to provide it.
Thanks in advance!