I have been patiently waiting for this game for years and years and was so glad when I finally had a chance to play it. And after putting some 10 odd hours into it, I have some feedback that I hope you guys consider. I really do enjoy it and see that it has so much potential and I really do appreciate all of the hard work you guys do. And I know you guys have put so much work, time, sweat, and blood into it, which is why I'm even giving these critiques, because I'm not generally the person to go write reviews or offer feedback. So I hope you guys consider some of these things (and I'm sure you already have).
Firstly, what the hell are keys even for? I remember when you guys made the video for Indiegogo and you said .rar files would be chests, but I have yet to come across any chests anywhere near my rar files.
Secondly, the monster improvements (which I know you're working on) is very, very needed. Many of the monsters don't do anything, and even if they were big, they weren't difficult to take down. What is difficult is getting mobbed by 20 things and not being able to escape when you're low level. So it's either really easy or really difficult.
The other thing I thought was supposed to happen was that if there are a lot of a file type, they combine to make a harder enemy (or this was the plan from the indiegogo video). What REALLY happens is that you go into your system32 folder and end up sitting there for LITERALLY 3 HOURS killing the 12,000 enemies pouring out of the rift. I don't mind this rift style of play, but eventually just send a big bad boy out instead of the remaining 10,000 enemies. there needs to be something like minibosses for stuff like this to prevent monotony.
Another issue I had (which I see others have already suggested) was the skill and level system needs re-tweaking. I actually think it needs a bit of an overhaul. I don't think you should "make it like skyrim" but I think it would be better to have more options like in the skyrim skill trees. For example, if I'm making a magic character, let me get some magic talents. Ranged? Let me improve my ranged talents. And making tiers for a specific talent would be good too. For example, for that one talent that gives you HP and Mana when enemies die, just make it so that I can level into that talent 10 times to get more out of it as I do it (if I want that option) or even split them into mana leech and vampirism (hp drain). Personally, once you get to the end of a tree, I think it would be interesting to offer talents that are a double edged sword. Big improvements with drawbacks. All of these things would add a lot of personality and sustained character progression.
Some talent suggestions?
Melee: Increased melee range, increased damage, enemy knockback, double jumping (should be in this tier), berserk (low hp damage increase)
Dagger / rogue: crit chance, backstabbing, bleeding, evasion, dashing (should be in this tier), etc.
Magic: reduced mana cost, increased damage, range, twin elements, status effects, etc. explosive magic? (spells do less but spread/explode)
Defense: base armor, base hp, life-steal and mana-steal (should be in this tier), shield bashing maybe? Juggernaut (never get knocked back)
Archer/ranged: increased accuracy, range, power (projectile speed), quickdraw, piercing arrows (the more you level this the more enemies it goes through, etc.)
When I played through the game, I really did enjoy it, but at times it felt very empty and there wasn't a lot to it. I feel that if I had the option to invest talents into things like this it would have improved the play experience a lot more. I know having too many options is bad, but I feel like there were no options here other than what I equip. Some kind of expanded talent system would make a huge difference and allow for better progression.
okay this one was a bit of a big one for me. Please please please make separate inventory category pages. For consumables, armor, shields, weapons, books, etc. because scrolling through the whole list is just monotonous. And the option to double click items to either equip or vendor, as dragging them gets a little monotonous too.
-Gold is useless and I pretty much never used it
-There was no real bonus for entering those cursed doors
-The adventurOS folder key easter egg is a little much. I killed one out of the four bosses and then found the key and went to the end. Maybe make it something else? Or maybe make it random for each playthrough. Make 10 possible options or special things you can get from it but don't give a free pass to the end boss