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it could be interesting to update it, but I only had like 2 hours of work available so I managed to get this done. I think a "Godot idle detection" could be a better idea than this troll plugin and the functionality could still be just a click. Maybe I'll keep adding to it, but I just wanted to troll a bit hehe
Well, unfortunately there is not much more we can do at the moment. The latest message I posted on the subreddit explains the situation a bit. I'll copy paste the message here:
... I know this is not ideal but it has become impossible for us to keep updating the game. Not only it wasn't economically viable at all, but the technology we used to make the game is very inaccessible to use right now. The version of the engine is not getting updated and it barely runs on modern systems, and we don't really have the bandwidth to port it to a new engine.
The game in its current state is "finished". You can start a game, do everything you expect to do in a metroidvania, defeat the final boss and get to the credits screen. It is not 100% the version we had in mind and we would love to improve many aspects of the game, but it is just not possible for us to keep working on it. Is the game perfect? Of course not. Would it be nice to keep doing updates? Absolutely, but as sad as it seems, real life got in the way and I'm not sure when those updates will come.
I personally started porting the game to a new engine in my free time, but it is not even close to be playable and this is just a solo endeavor.
We are extremely grateful to all the people who supported us along the way and we always make sure to reply to any message we get. So if you want to keep asking questions we are available...
If you want a refund I'm happy to issue one, and I should probably close the store page. Sorry for the inconvenience 🙇♂️
Hello Tonei. Unfortunately I don't think we can assist you with this issue since we can't compile new versions to OSX and I believe that latest versions of the OS are not compatible with AdventurOS. If you want a refund we can gladly do it. I'm actually going to remove the build so it is not miss leading.
I see that you are creating a post everywhere you can so I'll try to help you here so that anyone with the same issue can find the solution.
First of all:
- What OS are you using?
- Are you using the itch.io app to download the latest version?
- Have you tried following this post? https://itch.io/t/269471/no-doors-in-the-first-room
Hello Beertual! Unfortunately there is not a good solution for rebinding the keys in AdventurOS. There are third party software that can re-map keys but we should really do something to make it inside the game.
We will try to make it fin in the next update but for now there is not much you can do :( I'm really sorry about it!
Hello there. First of all, thank you for getting in touch with us. This is all great feedback and we really appreciate your time in writing this. We feel honored to receive your offer but at the same time we wouldn't want to make anyone work for free so if we ever consider hiring a QA tester we will think about you. For now we already have more tickets that we can handle and it might be an overkill.
We think we understand what parts of the game need to be improved but at this point we are having a lot of issues with Game Maker Studio and our source code itself. We are considering making the project open source and maybe try to move as much as possible out of the Game Maker Studio ecosystem so it can be easier to manage.
We will create tickets for the issues you reported and hope to get back on track fixing and releasing updates!
Thanks again!