In This Space Intentionally, on p. 49, under Long Range Destinations, it says "Roll 1D6 wih the following modifiers: +2 if using the Metastable Helium thruster or if you have ability to avoid Aerobrakes or +4 if you have the ability to avoid Ring and Debris Hazards."
I've managed to find two ways to avoid Aerobrakes (LS4D in All Errors My Own; and the Aerobrake Pilot capability on p. 191 in the Core Rules), but my Ctrl + F skills can't find any way to avoid Ring and Debris Hazards other than the Laser Broom from p. 345 of A Facility with Words. Are there any more, or are those really the only ones?
Also, slightly unrelated question: when determining Mission Goal (p. 47 of This Space Intentionally Blank), does the +2 bonus for refinery/mobile factory apply only to the 2d6 roll or to the 1d6 roll as well? It's worded in such a way, it could be interpreted either way, I think.