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Scratch that "Zoom-n-Boom" itch... · By RedRoryOTheGlen


A topic by RedRoryOTheGlen created Mar 13, 2023 Views: 2,398 Replies: 42
Viewing posts 1 to 23

If you're just dropping by to say hi or wish us well, feel free to post here!


oh now they are topics?


Yep, I'm giving it a shot for a week or two. I'm hoping it gives issues, solutions and feedback more visibility instead of being buried in a long single comment section.


ru gonna make the ground movement more dynamic? it kinda sucked cuz we couldnt strafe or move quickly withoud using the jets


Still looking for a niche for it. Currently, it's already as fast as hovering and it doesn't drain your energy.

You can grab AGILE legs to turn faster or release movement input to force a brake and turn faster for a short while. Or use both and turn on a dime. You can use this to change strafe direction surprisingly quickly. Otherwise, you can turn slower so that you maintain a high speed instead of bleeding it out for a turn.

Or you can switch on hover to move dynamically and also stabilize your weapon accuracy at the cost of some energy drain. 


dude! this game is amazing!!!


never played armored core before, but this is amazing!!!


Glad you liked it! 

its impossible to get our hands onto armored core withoud buying a overpriced ver of it

so this is the closest thing we can get (withoud counting with the other armored core fan games that require a fucking nasa computer to play it or infinite amounts of money)


This is wicked, looking forward to future updates. There's some strong promise in here. Keep it going lad.


Will do!

(3 edits) (+1)

Hi. Loved the mech genre and came across this game on YouTube, the gameplay immediately left me speechless. What an amazing work! And the fact that this is an indie project evolved from "walker" is simply unbelievable. 

Gotta admit though I still sucked at it. I read the manual and completed the tutorial courses before tapping into the battle just to get absolutely annihilated. My sluggish gameplay is no where near those blazing fast gameplay footage and AI, as I'm still confused about what I'm seeing on screen (build stats, UI gauges, "STABILITY" status) and how I'm supposed to master the boosts without draining my energy reserve. If there could be some documentation breaking these mechanism down it will be super helpful.

Mech games be sophisticated and that's part of its charm. I'm learning to love this game!


Best advice I can give for managing energy is to not have all your weapons active all the time. Each active weapon adds a "drain" to your generator which causes its energy "output" to slow down or even lose energy if it's great enough. You can deactivate weapons by holding the Weapon Action button (default is "R" key for KB and "A" or "Cross" for gamepads) and pressing the desired weapon "fire" button. You can also switch to a higher output (albeit lower capacity) generator.

Mission UI is definitely rough. I can say that it's basically been kludged around the circular radar since that was really the first dedicated UI feature that got implemented. I should definitely write this down somewhere accessible, but I'm planning on changing it up in the future. Quick rundown of the current scheme is as follows:

  • Green meter is your STRUCTURE
    • AKA health, if it reaches zero, your mech explodes
  • Yellow meter is ARMOR
    • Reduces damage to STRUCTURE as long as you have some remaining
    • The damage that penetrates is weapon dependent
      • A machine pistol or shotgun-type weapon may be stopped fully
      • A sniper rifle will be mostly unaffected
    • ARMOR is reduced by the amount of damage it stops
  • White meter is STABILITY
    • Keeping your STABILITY above a certain flat threshold gives you weapon buffs (accuracy, rate of fire, etc)
      • Inversely, going below that threshold causes your weapon performance to degrade
      • Some weapons degrade more than others at low stability (eg, sniper rifles)
    • The red STABILITY warning will flash if you are below the threshold
      • It is possible to build a mech that is permanently below the threshold
    • STABILITY is reduced when:
      • You take damage
      • You perform a maneuver (Dodge, Dash, Jump, Kick, etc)
      • You make a hard landing
    • STABILITY regen also varies depending on your state. It regens faster when:
      • You are not moving
      • You are not changing direction
      • You are on the ground
      • These instances stack so you can still regenerate STABILITY at a respectable pace even when you are moving fast if you do not change direction while grounded
  • Big blue meter is ENERGY CAPACITY
    • If it hits zero you can't use boosters or any maneuvers until it becomes greater than zero
      • It can go below zero if you use a particularly expensive maneuver at low EN or you maintain a high DRAIN
  • Small blue meter is ENERGY OUTPUT
    • Just a handy indicator of how much ENERGY DRAIN is currently affecting your mech
      • DRAIN stacks between boosters, active weapons, etc
    • If the red part is more than 50% of the meter, you will start losing ENERGY

Otherwise, the build stats sorta do what they say (Arm speed, arm angle, torso speed, torso angle). The mobility stats usually display two values, one being their performance on the ground and the other in the air.

In any case, I'm glad you're liking it!


Wow! This is a very detailed rundown. Looks like there's a few habits I need to change whilst piloting. Thank you for the enlightenment!

The UI could use some improvement but I just wanna say I enjoyed what we have. The wobbly effect on the radar and the 3D representation of targets at other levels are very nice touch!


love this game a lot never got to play armored core but this is awesome. Im a bit bad at the mech building but overall its fun af!


I appreciate it very much! 

(1 edit) (+1)

Such a great mecha game, and i cannot believe that this is only an indie project. The fast combat is quite a challenge to master, and it does feel a bit chaotic at times with all of the crazy colours. I don't know if it would be possible, but it would be nice to have an option where the colours are a bit "softer" on the eyes. In future, I'd also like to see a bit more maps since it is currently only the one, with options to play in a night or day setting. I can't wait to see what this project turns into and the creator has my full support.


Thanks! I'd be happy to take notes on what colors or schemes would avoid those problems. As for the map, I currently don't have plans for more maps, but I do plan on expanding the current city map generation so it's more varied and less monotonous.


Are there plans for non-city maps? or adding elevation to the ground floor?


No plans for non-city maps, unfortunately. I am looking into expanding the city gen with more elements like canals and tram lines and such to make it less monotonous.

(1 edit) (+1)

Thank you for sharing Hammer with us.

 We all need more "quick-and-dirty-boost-and-shooty zoom-n-boomness" in our lives and what you

achieved with Hammer, even unfinished, is trully impressive.

 You have a really strong demo/prototype and I wish you all the success you deserve for it.

 Sorry for being inquisitive but do you plan to gather a team around you and eventually find a publisher?

 See you all on the discussion boards for the next devlogs and updates!


Much thanks for the kind words and happy to have you along!

I don't know much about getting a team and publisher together so I'm not holding my breath for anything like that, unfortunately. It's probably just going to remain as it is: a fun side project which I add to what I think works and (try to) fix what's broke.


This game really scratch the high speed mech combat itch that AC offers, this one specially reminds me the closest to VD. I'm just wondering if there will be any plan for a certain type of heavy weaponries that allows pilots to aim manually (requires no lock on to hit a precise target) that might involve scope/zoom in feature?  Would be pretty neat.


It's definitely a cool idea.

I've been playing with a manual aim toggle for a bit. Basically just turns off/on the FCS if you hold the "lock-on" button, and it works okay. Everything being projectile-based (except lasers) makes it take some getting used to. Just needs to take the player's camera settings into account more since at higher speeds, the offset between the player (the origin of the projectile) and the camera (origin of the aim point) can get really large so shot trajectories can get really wonky.

Maybe an additional function like VD where it automatically toggles to a cockpit view when you turn off the FCS would be useful. Basically minimize the offset between view and shot origins. An optional zoom function would be slick as well.

Personally don't know about making weapons that absolutely require manual aim. Maybe hitscan weapons? They're definitely harder to balance alongside the auto-targeting.


will you still work on this after AC6 is out? i imagine it will slow down but this is an interesting way to experience the older style of AC games


Aye, definitely. Tbh, it's really more of a platform for me to try out mechanics or features I think work, and share them with others. As long as I keep thinking about giant robot zoom-n-boom boost-n-shoot I'll keep working on it.


Any chance of adding some simple player progression like a rank/lvl up bar with stat tracking like kills ?


Hm, idk about rank. But I've been thinking of at least recording a player's top-scoring missions + variables (map size, mission length, extracted successfully, etc) and saving an accumulated "money" stat from total score. The reasons I'm unsure about actually implementing records that recording stuff like kills of a particular enemy might get easily deprecated if I rework or remove enemy or mission types or change how the data is recorded. So updates might break the count or just be another minor feature I have to make sure doesn't break when messing around.

Like apparently DEMO mode is broken again. xD



how do i apply updates because it seems like i don't have what is in the newest version of the game


Each update is pretty much a standalone build so feel free to delete the old files. That's the cleanest way and doesn't risk any deprecated stuff being leftover.


and im not sure what are the points that i get when i fail are those part of something wip or is it just your score


yeah, it's really just a running tally of your kills + accomplished contracts.




Iam a developer (not Game) and looking in learning to build a mech game also, i hope to find a time for it.
almost all mech are same, BUT this is simple the best one have seen, close to my idea. i like it very much, hope i can learn to build my own soon.


dude this is so cool awesome work.


I love how it seems to blend the speed of 4th gen Armored Core, the camera of 5th gen, and the running of 1st gen. 


yo i just realized is your pfp from omega boost? you know the mecha game for the ps1, if so cool man i love that game


Same. One of my favorite games!


Hey ! check your email (for Roger Guerrero)


When will next update released?

(1 edit) (+1)

I'm so loved this game, i'm awaiting for next update.