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[Composer] Looking for projects

A topic by 404_ErrorMusic created Mar 16, 2023 Views: 216 Replies: 3
Viewing posts 1 to 3

Hi, Im a Composer/producer/musician and I'm trying to get more experience in game audio and music production.  If you have a project that needs music or sounds have a listen and drop a comment if you like what you hear.  Below is a link to my portfolio, the music is seperated into sub categories based on genre/mood and you can freely skip between tracks.  Thankyou for listening!

You have discord?

I have one for a dnd campaign I'm playing, but it seems like it may behoove me to make one specifically for music promotion.

hi. i'm looking for someone to make music for my multiplayer rogue-like game. my discord is Soulex#6451