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Automated Worflows/Export

A topic by TEAZY created Mar 28, 2023 Views: 77 Replies: 2
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I mainly use the software to convert my 3D models into stylized pixel art spritesheets. 

The workflow is straight forward. 
Import the object. Set the camera position. Use shader and export the images according to my needs. 
This can be quite time-consuming if you do this to hundreds of objects. 
Is there a possibility to automate thing like setting the camera position to a certain point or automate the export? Maybe via a API?
This would save a lot of time. 

If not, maybe this is a feature for a future update? 

Keep up the nice work, cheers ✌

Hey, thank you for your use case feedback. It's not currently possible but yes batch will be added in a future update. Just to be sure when you speak about setting the camera position, you mean the orientation of the camera or moving the model position ?

I meant of course the orientation of the camera 😄