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A topic by KEXBOY created Jun 25, 2016 Views: 10,831 Replies: 31
Viewing posts 1 to 32
Developer (1 edit)

Here you can post some screenshots, video etc. from the game "The Last Weekend"

Developer (1 edit)

Some based on storyline some based on your choices.

Developer (2 edits)

50% of the game allready done.

Hi there. 50% of the game already done.
"The Last Weekend" coming out in the end of 2016 (world release)

All my patrons get early access to the game.


Looking for adventure.


Good news. "The Last Weekend" has been Greenli in the Steam.

TNX ^_^

Developer (1 edit)

translation difficulties


is anybody here?

Developer (1 edit)

Hi, there! Paul gameplay already 100% done. In this autumn all my patrons get early access to the Paul's game.

Accelerate the game's development.


Introductory note before I start posting

Dear friends, as I'am approach "The Last weekend" release I start series of publications to help you get to know the characters. There will be no gameplay hints, so don't worry if you miss a post. But if you read them all you'll get some information about the game, how it was created and who created it and lots of interesting things.


Let's start with more detailed description of the game.
"The Last Weekend" isn't so scary as it may seem. So if you have any fantastical fears – forget them. But why we're talking about it? You'll see everything yourself pretty soon. Probably at the end of the year but let's cross that bridge when we get to it, and now let's talk about the game.

It's a quest based on a classical story of four young people isolated in a cabin in the woods fighting against mystical powers. And these mystical powers are to kill them for sure.

To make more fun we allow you to play any of these four characters. Yes, it means that instead of one you get four games. Okay, not four – we're playing it up. Some clips and stuff cut each other, but there're different ways to get to the final. There are three endings for you. That's pretty wide!

To pass the game to the end you're gonna need not only to read all the dialogues but also attempt to answer the right things. And it's not just dialogues, but a few mini-games you'll have to play. They all are different depending on what character you have chosen.

That's all for today. I have some topics to go on with but it's up to you on which one. Please choose (leave your comment)
• The story of creation the plot of "The Last weekend"
• The short story about each of the characters Introductory note before we start posting


Her character has the most outstanding hairso that's where we start.

She's a journalist dreaming of writing amaterial that will make her famous. She's attracted to all the mysteries andunknown things, especially unsolved crimes and disappearances. Despite the factthat Rita keeps a secret of her own even from her best friend Alice.

Rita is very straight and open-hearted. Being a second coursestudent she was engaged in a debate with her teacher. He claimed online Media was just a temporary thing and thoughtthat printed press would be in demand forever. Rita replied that he had abelated view of the Internet like all the other dim teachers that keepspreading paper booklets among students instead of sharing materials with filehosting service. She passed the exam in this subject with honors for fourtimes.

Rita appreciatesfrankness in people but she avoids telling about herself. She thinks thatjournalist is a person that keeps a low profile, some kind of anonymous hero ina mask. That's why she's covering up her secret so hard. Rita still sleeps witha stuffed toy at night – a little monkey she was given at her fifth birthday.She's really afraid that someone finds out about the monkey and this wouldtaint her reputation.Well, to tell the truth Alice pretends that she doesn't know anything aboutthat and she's wondering why Rita keeps her monkey in secret.

Do you have some secrets?

Developer (1 edit)


As I mentioned Alice before now it's time to tell about her.
She's a graceful blonde woman dreaming of becoming a supermodel at the best
magazines surrounded by the best photographers. If you tell her that she's having a
photoshoot with David LaChapelle or Steven Meisel she would be in seventh heaven packing her bag for a trip.

She's not very successful for now, but she already has a pretty impressive portfolio.
This gives her a bragging right which often becomes a disregard of girls less beautiful

than her. Alice thinks that all of them are just lazy and silly girls that don't want to lift a single finger to improve their appearance. And she's just enjoying her natural beauty.

Rita tried many times to talk to her, but a man with a full belly thinks no one is hungry so does Alice as she thinks that her beauty is her reward. But having such a different point of view Rita and Alice manage to stay best friends.

Have you ever been friends with a person whose opinion is contrary to yours?


I like when girls kiss girls


Friends: Rita and Alice

Rita and Alice are a strange-looking couple – girls are very different from each other.

Alice has long blond hair and Rita has it short and red. Alice knows everything that beauty stores can offer, she has creams for every case and for every part of her body.

Rita only has "a cream". Alice read two books and ten thousand of fashion magazines in her life, Rita right the opposite – she read tons of books and uses magazines just to fan herself when it's hot.

They are very different and they are best friends. It started at the moment when one day two new girls entered a classroom – red haired and blond one. In the absence of vacant desks they sat together. Being in unfamiliar place hand in hand they felt strong unity, so they got closer.

With age the magic of friendship got weaker – both girls had their own hobbies and jobs. They didn't see each other very often, spent less time together. But as soon as they have a chance they try to be close. By the way they agreed to go to the cabin in the woods very soon. And what happens there you'll find out from our game.


So Paul is an IT guy and one of those for which thewhole world becomes a software code as they go deeper in their work. Andsometimes Paul thinks that the universe's settings can be customizedindividually. He's proud to tell a story that happened to him some time ago.

One day he was shopping and he wanted to buy a t-shirtwith the Anonymous mask on it (He didn't know it was Guy Foxes mask). He wantedto buy the white one but there were only black and grey t-shirts. So he gothimself the black one and thought that the color was invalid and he would haveto reinstall the graphics palette at home. Leaving the shop he realized what hedid and laughed heartily.

He met Rita online. Both of them were verydisappointed with the quality of collages displayed within another Slendermanphotographic compilation contest. They were so hyped-up trying to beat eachother in their criticism that they were banned from the forum. They both losttheir interest to the contest but found each other.

It's not their first time together. They've alreadyspent plenty of time in movies and restaurants. But they've never been so closeand solitude.

Have you ever mixed up the virtual realityand the real life?

P.S.: this autumn, only my patrons will get early access to the game for Paul


Paul's gameplay will be available only for my patrons in october.


Anthony would never even talk to Paul or Rita if he didn't know Alice. He is the one who judges people from the outside. He would pass them by thinking that they were idiots. But Rita turned out to be Alice's best friend and Paul washer boyfriend so Anthony was forced to overcome his beliefs.

To Anthony 's surprise his new friends turned out to be agood company in spite of the fact that he was only interested in girls, carsand sports. This case could change Anthony's view of life but nothing happened. He still judges people by their appearance and outfit.

But as a result he met Alice. One day he was going home after the gym and noticed a very attractive girl looking about the street. Clearly she was looking for something. Anton stopped the car and offered his help. He found out that Alice (it was her) was looking for a model agency somewhere close. He new the place and gave Alice a lift.

The very next day they went to a bar together and Alice introduced him to Paul and Rita. They were very pleased that Anthony agreed to take them to the wood cabin for the weekend.

Would you go to the lake house with someone you just met?


Pre-Release Schedule. The Last Weekend.
Hi, there! Pre-Release available only for patrons and include Paul's gameplay.
Full ver of the game coming out this winter.

Pre-Release Schedule for patrons only:

  • $100 patrons - 10 october
  • $70 patrons - 11 october
  • $50 patrons - 12 october
  • $30 patrons - 14 october
  • $20 patrons - 15 october
  • $15 patrons - 16 october
  • $10 patrons - 17 october
  • $5 patrons - 18 october
  • $3 patrons - 19 october
  • $1patrons - 20 october


Today I'm going to tell you about the most mysterious character of the game – the hostess of the wood cabin. She's shy, silent and cagey person. I can't tell you any reliable facts about her because every time she tells a different story about herself.

A case in point is that she has a big poster of Death from Neil Gaiman's Sandman at the reception. There is the author's signature on it, but it's almost invisible from the gameplay. This poster has a story. Even two stories.

Sofia tells the first one when she's in a good mood and has some spare time to chat. Once she was going to the bookshop to the public meeting with Neil Gaiman. She put on a costume of Death from Sandman and took a bus. Other passengers were looking askance at her, but none of them could guess what character she was imitating. The bus conked out half way to the bookshop.

At once she realized that there was no point in waiting for the bus to be fixed. So she just went by herself hoping to catch a ride. No surprise there were no volunteers to pick her up because of her costume. An hour later she heard somebody screaming "Bugger me! It's Death!" Then she saw a massive Harley hogging the road. The huge biker took off his helmet and smiled into his red beard. "I am Destruction! – He said, - I'm going to give you a lift, Death".

And they rushed to meet their favorite author. Everything was perfect for ten minutes, but then it started to rain and it was so heavy that they had to slow down to the minimum. They were drenched to the skin when they reached the bookshop. The meeting was over and Neil Gaiman was leaving, but when he saw Death and Destruction dripping wet he couldn't help bursting into laughter. Seeing them happy the writer stayed for a little longer and gave Sofia a signed poster.

But if you happen to find in her bad spirits she would just tell you that she got the poster from eBay and chose it only because it fitted into the wall box. What is real and what is not is impossible to know, so as her real name and her origins.

Probably, if you play my game you would be able to tell who is Sofia.


Where it happens.

Now I should say something about the place. It's a quiet spot at the lake among the trees. You can get there by a narrow but neat country track. The road twists a good deal but you won't get lost. There are no turns or crossings, it leads straight to the cabin.

Bright summer days are beautiful there: sunbeams wander within the leaves and gleam from the waters of the lake. Streams of light flare at everyone who stopped to enjoy the view. It's still fascinating when it rains.

One can sit on the porch for hours watching nature trying to sew land and sky together with the rain threads. The only inconvenient thing is that during the rain the road is usually washed out and it's impossible to drive through. Why would anyone want to leave this beautiful place anyway?

But our characters seem to need to move away from here. During the vacation the things will turn for them pretty unpleasantly so they wouldn't want to stay in such a restful spot. Why? You'll find it out in the very first part of the game.

Have you ever been to a beautiful but uncomfortable place?


How the game story born. The Last Weekend

Do you know that a plot can be born and then become a completely changed story Or, for example, a storyline of the movie can be transformed into the video game. That's what exactly happened to my game «The Last Weekend».

I had an idea of making a movie about the girl who wanted to become Death. Yes, the very Death that comes to people and takes their lives. The story was forgotten for a long time. Later I'm adapted it for the game and it fitted perfectly.

It's obvious that only a few details were left from the original story – games and movies are too different as there are various narrative methods. But I kept the character of the girl who wanted to become Death. And as we have Death so other characters are to die.

I told you before that my game is not very scary, but it couldn't go without murders. At least three characters will die, maybe four… It's up to you.


You can get earley access to the Paul's gameplay (Patreon pack), right here.

Developer (1 edit)

Wow! It's realy Cool Game =)
Thank you Gloom ))

you can get erley access here:


The many faces of Death

You already know that one of the game's characters has chosen to become Death. But a black cloak with a hood or a large scythe was never taken. The Death in my game always looks different and today I'am going to tell you about it.

The faces of Death in «The Last Weekend» appear in a consistent logical pattern. It's not very obvious and doesn't affect the plot but you are sure to know about it. The form that Death takes depends on the character it comes to. And the logic is simple- it's the mirror opposite of the character.

For instance, imagine a young man who cares about his appearance a lot. He wears trendy clothes and goes to barbershops and beauty salons. He thinks that it's the only way of living and ignores people who think differently. How do you think the Death would look like when it comes to him? Right – like a weary dirty bum.


Why playing as different characters?

Last time I showed you that the sidequests are going to be different for every character. So basically you already know the answer to the title question. But that's only the tip of the iceberg. There is much more difference and I'am going to tell you about it.

The main reason is that playing the game through you will see just a quarter of it. Every player finds his own way to the final. For sure, there are spots where their paths are crossing – as they're staying at the same hotel. But anyway, we did create a lot of unique scenes for everyone. Some of them are permanent some of them are not. So if you passed the game to the end it doesn't mean you've seen absolutely all.

There's one more reason, it is less obvious, but I love it. The point is that playing as different characters helps you understand their motives and personalities better; it will help you to see hidden meanings of their actions. For example, while playing as Paul you will have to do some favors for Rita. It may seem usual, but when you play as Rita you will see the reason she asked him to do it. It means that when you have played it as every character you would see the whole picture.


We wanted one thing, ended up with another

Last time we were talking about how much work the writer does. Today we unveil one more secret to you: on the way from the beginning of the work with the scenario to its end the leading characters may change completely.

Don't be surprised. It doesn't mean that the writer never knows his own mind and acts by touch. No. The thing is that you can completely grasp the nature of the character and bring it out only during the description of its actions. So it happens that you think of one character and you get another one in the end.

That is what happened to Anthony. According to the plot, he goes into sports, he is a powerful young man. It would seem logical that he should act using his physical skills and solve all the problems radically. But the further we went with his storyline the more we knew that he was a totally different character. In spite of his physical strength he doesn't want to handle anything, he feels much more comfortable stepping aside so that troubles would stay out of his sight. It turned out to be the completely opposite situation with Paul. He is an IT guy; he works with his mind, not hands. But he is the one who rushed to the attack.

And Sofia was the most interesting twist. First, she was a short unattractive girl wearing glasses then she became a well-shaped handsome lady with strong eyes and a couple of original pigtails.

Developer (1 edit)

We wanted one thing, ended up with another

Today we are going to have a little talk about our working process. We have already told you about the way that idea can travel before it turns into reality. Today we tell you about the very beginning of the work at it.

How do you think the games like this are made? Where does it all begin? No, not with the summary but with the idea. We say something like that: let it be a quest horror game. Only after that we think of setting and characters, then we discuss an approximate plot. After that the writer starts his work.

The scenario is not often written from the beginning to the end at once. It is just inefficient. It takes much time to create the story as you write it. And if other members of the team do not like it – you would have to rewrite a lot.

We usually work this way: first comes synopsis – the description of the story, all characters and their actions, but no dialogues or concrete quests. And only after the team agrees to this synopsis, the writer can start working with the details.

What do you think the scenario includes? Absolutely everything. All the dialogues, all the personality characterization, the location descriptions, all quests and puzzles, and all the precise story line for each cut-in clip.

So how big the scenario can be? The bigger the game the bigger it is. This time we had a thirty-five thousand words text. That's massive! It is so, just because our writer had to make four scenarios instead of one. Four personal stories for each character. That how it comes to be so big.

Okay, we admit that scenario is not that big =) Part of the description just shows up again, like in some video reels.


And how it could end...

We have already told you that you can play the game as different player in various ways. That's quite obvious because different people always act differently. We decided to go further and made multiple storylines for every leading character.

For instance, if you can't complete any of the tasks another character can do it for you, so as a result the course of events goes the other way round.

Of course, the main story stays the same, the mini-games can't affect it much, but the ending completely depends on your actions. Guess how many endings we got for you!

10! Exactly! Ten endings. One good and one bad for each of the four players and one ending for each couple. The endings will also be different depending on a number of survivors.

There's one interesting twist about that – rescuing one of the characters gets you to the happy ending faster, so you kind of shorten the game. Want to see more? Stay alone and you'll get to the other happy ending. Quite rough but at least it's just a game ;)


Alice's Panties

Why she go to the attic? -)

the game is ready for 85%

Speed up the development!


The Last Weekend already done.
Next step check the bugs and go to translate.

Public release - feb/28/2017

All my patrons get early access to the game (uncen).

Thank you for support!


Schedule Released for my patrons (uncen)

  • $ 100 — 14/02/2017
  • $ 70 — 15/02/2017
  • $ 50 — 16/02/2017
  • $ 30 — 17/02/2017
  • $ 20 — 18/02/2017
  • $ 15 — 19/02/2017
  • $ 10 — 20/02/2017
  • $ 5 — 21/02/2017
  • $ 3 — 22/02/2017
  • $ 1 — 23/02/2017
  • Free Public Released - 28/02/2017 (censored)



Full Game Uncensored (

Full Game Uncensored (

Full Game Censored. FREE (

Demo (STEAM)


Digital Art Book . Download Links. The Last Weekend.

Hi guys!

Here you can download Art Book (PDF) for "The Last Weekend".
49 pages include Adult Content

Digital Art Book 1080 ($50+ patrons)

Digital Art Book 720 ($10+ patrons)