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Enter, the CPU.

A topic by Neutrinos created Apr 23, 2023 Views: 1,308 Replies: 13
Viewing posts 1 to 7
(2 edits) (+1)

I'm not ready for this..... I'm gonna build a CPU.

Stay tuned! Updates to come!


I feel so daunted... this is daunting!

Good luck!

Thank you!


I'll try! :)

-- wow! i would dream of building a cpu --

I'm very much just trying to think how a computer thinks!

What I end up with will probably be very bare bones for a first time.

HEY! You should try "Turing Complete "(ITS A GAME) I learned a lot from it, and have 2 CPUs made!

I'll take a look, thanks! :)

Maybe make something like an ALU first? When I say ALU, I mean something that can do +, -, *,  and /

I've got something close to that already, but it'll need some work to bring it up to par. Thanks for the suggestion! :)

That’s just an AU.