I was looking through some Ludum Dare 42 games on itch.io (there's a lot!) and I found myself wishing that there were a few more sorting options. Here's the current options:
Popularity, Top Sellers, Top Rated, and Recently Added.
Popularity and Top Rated are useful, although the results are pretty similar. Top Sellers doesn't give a lot of results for a game jam, since the point of a game jam is usually to create free games. Recently Added also isn't very useful for a game jam, because all of the games are created right around the same time.
There's a little "Sort by" arrow, but it seems to be non-interactive. This is unfortunate, because reversing the order would allow you to search for the least-popular games within a tag, or the oldest games.
A "Random" sort option would be fun, and useful for finding hidden gems and things you've never seen before.
A "Most Comments" and "Fewest Comments" sort option would also be very useful for game jams on itch.io.
A "Recently Updated" option would also be a very useful sorting criteria.