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A topic by glovegames created Aug 22, 2018 Views: 384 Replies: 2
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looks sick but i dont get why its in episodes, is each one a different character or something?

+ what can you do except skate and tag, are there missions like deliver pizza n stuff? i liked the missions in THUG where u start as a rookie and then move onto crazy shit like jumping helicopters (i made a bad sports game called tony eagle, its on gamejolt if ur interested)


Because I'm a broke-arse turd, is why. :v I could never do an entire full-length game in one go. I'm not expecting episode 2 to be even halfway done until next year.

But yes, there are missions. just not quite as advanced and story-intensive as a TH game. They're mostly small platforming and navigation challenges, plus some scoring occasionally thrown in the mix.

I understand that completely. Games take time to make.. there may be another way to do it that better fits the game though

Quests - sweet. Be cool if you earn actual stuff from missions like new areas or tricks