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lost dungeon

you are lost in a dungeon and encounter a group of enemies 路 By bluewor

Long Game Feedback

A topic by BitFreak created May 07, 2023 Views: 84 Replies: 4
Viewing posts 1 to 5

I'm taking the liberty of giving feedback because you wanted it.

I'll ignore that the game had a time limit of 3 hours. I try instead to see what could have been if there was a good time.

1) The graphic style does not match. For example, the main character has a different perspective than the environment, the mole, or the guy with the sword. The weapon itself is in a completely different style than the figure.

2) Sometimes my character disappears for no apparent reason. I suspect she's dying for some reason, but I can't really tell.

3) When my character disappears, it doesn't get deleted, it just seems to be moved somewhere to the top left. I can tell by the fact that you can keep shooting even though the character is no longer on the screen.

4) The main character's hitbox doesn't match the perspective. The hitbox should start further down (that e.g. the enemies can walk behind the main character)

5) Was expecting WASD controls and no arrow keys.

6) At first I didn't know who the main character was or where he stood. In this case, he should start in the middle. Then it becomes clearer.

7) I don't know if I scored or not. Health bars, effects, anything would be good. It would also be good if the ammo wasn't so tiny.

8) There is a "You Won" status in the game, but not a "You Lost" status... that's probably what most players see.

9) The game should restart without reloading the whole page.

10) There is no such thing as a main menu explaining the game. (e.g. the controller)

Those are the most important things that struck me. I hope that doesn't discourage you, but motivates you to keep going. After all, you've completed a game and hopefully made it the way you envisioned it.

I forgot one thing: the game's logo is awesome! How did you manage that so cool?


Firstly thank you so much for feed back 

1. I couldn't find the correct assets that I wanted  and I thought I will figure it later after figuring the main mechanics but ignored it later so I will look after it as I have 30 more mins of Dev time left 

2. I did not face these "bugs" before launch but at time of launch and after launch I observed these bugs myself I tried to rectify these bugs but no use 

3.if the character spawns in middle then when you kill an enemy another enemy spawns in the middle and  you will be dead with one touch of enemy 

4. When I launched the game it was in wasd controls it worked in the game engine preview but didn't work in I tried arrows and it worked so sorry  for that

5. Yes no health bar as only one touch to die but I will look after score 

6. There is no you lost text as the game was supposed to restart as soon as hero dies but he gets teleported somehow and it doesn't restart 

7.i will also look after main menu

8. This will be a bit weird I belive this is allowed that is I did not make the cover it was taken from somewhere

Thank you so much for feed back I am more motivated rather than discouraged as now I know at least someone played my game and he wants some changes so I will look into it 馃槉 


and forgot to say the red thing is lava 


i have updated the game would you like to check it out