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Hey can people review my game?

A topic by Waddle Games created Jun 13, 2023 Views: 622 Replies: 15
Viewing posts 1 to 4

Could anyone review my game, “The Pillar of Gods” and tell me what you think? I’m open to any feedback, and I would love to hear other people’s opinions. It’s a greek fighting adventure game where you can fight bosses, upgrade weapons, explore dimensions, and much more!

Play it here:


I'm going to be honest, everything about this game feels very unpolished. I don't know if it gets better after beating the first boss, but I don't think it matters with how many issues I found before reaching that point.

  • Some of the controls are quite odd and not explained as well as they should be. The instructions are split between the page description, which is hard to read due to the pixelated font and the large text size, a wiki and a poorly-organized ingame tutorial (and allegedly the credits, but I didn't find anything useful in them, unless you don't mean the ingame ones), making it hard for players to gather all the information they need to play the game properly. Both of them omit some important information, like how to craft items (again, despite the game claiming otherwise), and some of the things they do explain are so unintuitive that some players won't even bother to look up how to actually do them until they try and fail to do it themselves, like S opening a speedrun menu while the other WASD keys work as usual, or said speedrun menu having to be closed with a different key from the one that opens it.
  • The visuals are very unpleasant, with the default Scratch UI elements, the pixel art and the handdrawn sprites simultaneously not looking great on their own and clashing very heavily with each other. The animations are very barebones as well, most noticeably on the main character who doesn't even have a walking sprite and whose attacking sprite consists of the sword floating in the air behind them. Additionally, some of the sprites are very blatantly ripped from other games, most notably Terraria and Minecraft, and I'm not sure you can get in legal trouble for doing that because it's not a paid game, but it definitely makes it look even more like a bootleg.
  • There's lots of glitches and general jank. Inventory slots past 3 are inaccesible through hotkeys despite the documentation saying otherwise, which is especially bad if the Dark Crystal ends up in one of them because as far as I can tell you're then softlocked out of the first boss (unless there's another way to summon him I don't know about, which leads back into my first point). Your sword's sprite teleports below you if you so much as swing it while facing left, and I'm not sure it actually affects the hitbox but it definitely doesn't look good. Enemies can spawn right into you for unavoidable damage as you enter a room, will frequently display negative or even 0/0 HP long before actually dying, and sometimes they can even revive shortly after killing them. Walking into a new room will teleport all enemies and chests on screen into it which can result in having to fight multiple strong foes at once. Even the main menu is a mess, with buttons dissapearing after pressing others for no discernible reason and randomly appearing partway through the credits.
  • Terraria comparisons aside, the gameplay is just not particularly fun in my opinion. Most of the time you're just hopping through empty, same-looking rooms hoping a chest or an enemy finally spawns, combat boils down to either spamming a button to trade melee blows or waiting a long time for your arrow to hit the target before you're able to fire another one, and item prices are so high compared to the money you get from the process that you'll have to repeat it dozens of times just to be able to buy a single healing potion, let alone the Hellstone Sword recommended for beating the first boss. I haven't fought any bosses yet due to the aforementioned softlock, but just from watching the trailer I doubt they're much more interesting than the rest of the game.

Overall, this really feels like the result of an inexperienced developer or team biting more than they can chew for one of their first projects, which wouldn't be as bad if you didn't also hype it up as this amazing game so pervasively and weren't apparently already working on a sequel. I'd strongly recommend taking a step back and doing some simpler games to improve your skills, maybe even try out a different game engine if Scratch feels too limiting, before tackling a project of this scope again. If you really want to continue working on this game or a similar one, though, I do hope this feedback helps make it more tolerable in some way.

Thanks for being honest, and obviously you can't do much with Scratch coding. I do understand all of the things that you're saying, and I would be happy to fix them. And the Terraria and Minecraft stuff, well I'm pretty sure that my friends were the one who added the sprites, and I wasn't aware of them being rip offs. Thanks so much for your feedback. I will try to change/fix some of the stuff you mentioned.

Also, once I'm done editing it (I'll tell you) could you review it again and tell me if you think it's even slightly better? Thanks.

Also, just to tell you: To summon Hades, you click the altar in Area #-20 if you have a Dark Shard in your inventory. The game also IS very unpolished, it was literally a random idea I had so it’s not the best game ever.

Too many things happening on the screen imo. I think there is a bug where the old menu will still appear over the game, so I was not able to play. (I think I triggered it by accidentally opening some sort of speedrun menu?)

I wanted to post a screenshot of this, but is telling me "post: body: expected text between 1 and 20480 characters". so rest assured, having bugs is a very normal part of programming

Thanks for your feedback. I will try to fix this. :)

(1 edit)

hello my name is Tarique am the game dev for SPEED OF LIFE 3D

I would like to give you feedbacks on your game so it can improve . send me your game link in the group so I can give you feedbacks, review and even ratings on your game .

for those who games have not got a feedback as yet visit this site and join the group

Sure thing. I would love some feedback. Game link:

Deleted 1 year ago

sure thing man just hit me up when you got this message

am just asking if you could visit my site and check it out , I give persons feedbacks on there game so it can improve and become better in the eyes of gamers . so send me your game link in the group so I can give you feedbacks, review and even ratings on your game

the reason why I ask you to go to the group is because am not on at all time and there are some other game devs who would like to give you a review

chick the link to join the feedback group 

Yeah I signed up, I think I posted a request in there. Thanks man!


So is this guy like a spambot or something?  That site seems fishy...

Certainly looks like it, but he does actually give feedback

Good to know! One should not judge things prematurely I guess!

Yeah, IDK about him either. But the site looks legit

(to be honest his reviews aren't the most fair reviews in the world but that's just my opinion)