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A member registered Oct 07, 2022 · View creator page →

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While I've never been dumped (bc I've never dated before), I did get rejected last Fall and it hurt like hell. I'm still feeling it now in the Spring. Just gotta focus on yourself for a while, and the things that make you happy. You'll grow stronger and stronger every day. I'm proud of you for sticking it out this far like a champ, and being brave enough to ask for support. You're definitely not alone in this, we got your back <3

Hey, this isn't Undertale...

Seems to perfectly recreate and even improve upon Toby Fox's work, while still having its own vibe. Music is great, battles are a bit unbalanced but fair, puzzles are there, art is okay but doesn't need to be more than it is now. 

I am stuck in the Cerulean Forest! I activated a firefly jar in one of the rooms, but I don't think it did anything. Maybe it's a bug? I guess it was supposed to lower the spikes or open the bridge, but they're still up, so I can't get past the area and finish the demo :(

(I can hear Waspy from the Earthbound/Undertale soundfont in the skeleton song and trailer music... Also the battle theme sounds a lot like Stronger Monsters... Keep wearing that inspiration on your sleeve buddy!)


It's just the whole "visibility" thing I still can't seem to get down lol

Once I finish the update for my game I'm going to see what I can do to increase visibility, like reworking the game page entirely

Hey ASWhalerGamer, hope all is well. I don't know if you take repeat customers, as you played Grass Elemental from me over the summer, but it would be cool if you could play my first jam game Kitty Yarn Special! I've never had anyone react to it before.

Keep in mind that the game is quite challenging, potentially even rage inducing! This was 100% unintentional. I just so happened to make it without much thought to the difficulty lol. 

If you're having too much trouble, there is a slightly easier version to download on the game page (increased amount of scratches on screen).

Assuming this isn't a joke... looks like the infamous scary maze game

Yeah that'd be great! Looking forward to it :)

I'm ready to give my feedback... Overall I really like it! Everything is pretty clean and smooth, mechanics feel nice and the concept is unique and fun. I really like the music also, the song is a bop and it makes me want to get back into writing chiptunes! I miss doing that...

My only criticism is the difficulty curve, it gets really hard at level 12. I'm currently stuck there, mostly because I can't settle on a solution to the puzzle. For some reason I really enjoyed shooting that one bat enemy using the actual bullets, maybe some more enemy types can appear later if they don't already. 

I think that's all, you're off to a great start here. Nice job!

(P.S. Sorry if the intro is a little long in my game, I'm working on a way to skip it if it's too much dialogue) 


I'm going to play your game when I get the chance, it looks pretty fun. I'm slowly but surely coming back from a long hiatus of feedback-giving, I'd be glad to start back up with this one! I see you have a Youtube channel... How open are you to other games? I'd love for you to give mine a shot, it's an RPG project I'm chipping away at:

I'll give you some feedback soon! 

I don't have a server yet but the game will have one eventually. What's your discord?

1. Yep. Only one I've played is Pokémon though

2. No, but I am developing a game that visually looks like one

3.  I'm afraid not, hopefully some good ones pop up in the future

Have you heard of Cassette Beasts? It's a pretty cool game that is initially perceived as a Pokémon clone, but it does so much more to make itself unique and infinitely more fun. Lots of great reviews too:

I wish there was something as good on itch... There might be and we just haven't found it yet. Sometimes I feel like my game will be seen as a Pokémon clone even though it plays literally nothing like it   

Only this site lol

I tried out reddit, not much luck just yet, may try Discord sometime. I know Discord is probably better with community building, while stuff like Instagram is great for spreading the word. I know nothing about marketing, so this thread should be interesting...

Um this is a little much. NOT an okay thing to say, joke or no joke. Maybe take some extra action

Oh yeah, I remember that one!

I actually remember the plot twist being one of the weaker parts of the narrative. Going in blind, I was expecting it to show up somewhere at the end, but didn't find one... It definitely went over my head. To me it just seemed like a rather natural and typical conclusion for this kind of story. I don't think you have to change anything else except for the twist; And I'm interested in helping you out with it.

I've already read the novel, would you mind telling me what the twist was supposed to be, under a spoiler warning? I think I can work from there.

WOW this looks ambitious...

When I get time I'll play this later. I'm expecting quite a bit from the impression you made!

Ah so this is unreal? Makes sense, fsr I couldn't recognize it immediately.

Mostly the problem was just because my computer is too full to handle the game's size and graphics. I'm sure other players will have computers with better performances, so I hope they come across this and give it a play. 

Thanks for giving my game a shot, can you tell me what you thought of it?

Hey, this game looks cool!

Same situation I had with a previous user, my computer won't handle this game... It's not a potato, but it might as well be with how much I have backed up lol. 

Everything you have going here seems very unique, with the open-world aspect of the 3D tower defense genre in play. It's probably really fun to spend some time defending, but to run off and take care of some offense as well. It gives lots of versatility to the gameplay, opening the play up to several options to strategically defend and attack.

I'm thinking there can be so many possibilities for things to do while your off your tower... Maybe some funny NPC interactions, some side quests here and there. But I'm also imagining you'd have to do all that while under the watch of the tower, making sure you can get back in time to thwart any attacks. It would be cool to see the main character just sling shotting across the map to other towers and hijacking them, beating the crap out of enemies and taking over their base. Maybe that can even link to the side quests, if you retrieve an item that was stolen from an NPC. I'm getting too RPG now...

Feel free to give my game a shot, I could use your feedback:

I hope everyone else can play this, it looks really fun. Great job on this, you clearly put in the effort!

Hey, I'm checking this out!

I want to play this, but it seems to be a little too demanding for my PC, totally on me. So I will give as much feedback as I can from the visuals and story layout.

The description on the game page and the atmosphere of the screenshots in general both do an excellent job of setting the unsettling mood. This is carried through in the trailer, which is quite well made and describes the game in an interesting way. The movement of the camera actually made me a little tense while watching, as it jitters when there are moments of haste and suspense. Your assets are also very nice and realistic looking.

The story you've built seems to have potential and payoff in the gameplay. I'm imagining Celestial's door, or whatever the player is met with once the mystery is solved, is going to be worth the discovery at the end of the day.

Feel free to check my game out, I could use your feedback:

I hope others can come across this game and play it. It certainly seems like you've put a LOT of effort into it, excellent job!  

Yeah I knew this thread was long dead but decided to have hope anyway.

Well now we can just play each other's games!

Don't know if you're still active but others are posting here, so I'll go for it!

Hope you like my little RPG game, I'd love another playthrough of it out there:

Yeah, and I gave some input

But I think the dev just wants some more feedback on their game

Wow! I don't understand this at all!

And that's what makes this fun. The element of the player just kind of poking around and seeing if they can figure out what to do is a form of engagement, one that rewards with discovery and new understanding. I have not met such discovery yet... But others will!

The most intuitive parts probably have to do with the similarities of the chart layouts, and how the goal is somewhat isolated. I don't know what the down arrow or the plug-shaped buttons do, but I think they have something to do with creating a new output. The alchemical formulas (I'm assuming are to the right) are too interconnected for me to get right off the bat, but the titles of the levels are tipping me off for what I have to do. Like is "salt" the gray one and the brownish-gold inverted triangle "earth"? Or am I missing the mark here lol

Feel free to give my game a shot, I could use your feedback:

I would love a basic explanation of how everything works, or maybe just a quick summary of what it is. I might have time to poke around later... what fun :)

Very cool assets you have here!

They are very well designed and detailed, and are sure to help a dev or two out in a bind. The icons are eye-catching and very mobile game-esque, but they're a little bland to me. I think they could use a bit of a unique touch, one I'm sure will help your work stand out like it deserves to. That is, if you want to be more unique... There's nothing wrong with having a standard icon style. It might actually help, because it can increase versatility and be more open to other games.

I'm trying to think of something that can help this stand out... Maybe creating some kind of motif among the icons, so that it's easy to identify them as your work. I'm sure more asset pack users and makers will stumble upon this thread and give you some advice. 

Feel free to check out my game, I could use your feedback:

Having options for shadow and outline is a good idea, I never thought of that. Keep up the good work, these look great!

Okay, I just added a patch that hopefully makes the game a little easier to beat. 

I hope you find this convenient and the story heartwarming. Good to hear you think the images are cute so far!


You could make a post asking to collab here:

The karaoke sequence did take very long to make, as well as the entire song itself. And as for the Wallmart music, to be honest I don't know if I feel offended or complimented XD probably complimented lmao. Very happy you enjoy that tune tho :D

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Ahhh sorry about that!

Other people have complained about that too, unfortunately it might keep players from experiencing the full game. I'm going to work on a patch where it's easier to beat the level, or at least add different difficulties to the game. I've especially heard about problems with level 3 (20), some saying it's basically impossible lol.

(Also remember that the ball speed increases with every button press...)

Hopefully you can give the patched version a shot when it's ready :)

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The visual style of the game is interesting!

Some things being smoother than others has good potential to highlight distinct characters or objects. And you can have funny reasons as for why they look different lol. Since the main character stands out,  maybe they can be looked at as the "weirdo from some other place" and have many jokes and hijinks ensue. But then they start respecting you when you get a successful farm lol. And maybe the things that aren't the character but also happen to be smooth, have subtle nods to being more than they seem. Everything that's smooth can have a certain role in the story (if there is one) while the low polys have a different role. 

The 100+ button is nice, but slightly defeats the purpose of selling things. Maybe it can be a reward instead of just sitting there... or maybe it's just fine as it is. 

Feel free to give my game a try, I could use your feedback:

I think this game can be enjoyable to people, good job!


I can't fathom how the whole game would work that way, but you clearly know what you're doing lol. As for the future of Foxdom, I think the base game is pretty much finished. You can probably add things like a story perhaps (hmu if you need story help) , or a system where you can breed and keep foxes yourself. The player can name them, give them belly rubs to increase motivation/productivity, and they can have their own desires and emotions. Each fox can have a (randomized) special trait that can make them better suited for certain tasks, similar to natures in Pokémon. 

For instance, you breed a little fox and name it Cupcake. Cupcake is just a baby so it'll take a few days of belly rubs and attention before she can actually do any work. When Cupcake comes of age, let's say she has a special trait of Beauty, which she got by chance. She won't be as efficient as a brickmaker or a researcher, but she is actually the best at being unemployed. Being a lazy fox is better for her, as she can just stand around and look pretty, severely boosting the amount of foxes that come to your village due to their attraction to Cupcake.

Then you breed a fox and name it Rosco. Oddly enough, baby Rosco doesn't need as many belly rubs and attention as his older sister... he's an independent and strong-willed little guy. This personality is tied to his special trait of Strength, that he has by chance. He won't be as efficient standing around and looking pretty like Cupcake, but he will as a brickmaker or some other physical job. He will also deal a LOT more damage to the invading herbivores, and will be the main one fighting them off.

And so on. There can be special traits of Intelligence, Green Thumb... sky's the limit! Hopefully that isn't too complex to code, but it should be fine with your experience.

And thank you so much for playing Grass Elemental, I'm glad you enjoyed it! Your comment was very nice, but can you clarify what you mean by "wallmart" music? Reading that was so hilarious XD

Aaaahh I forgot how gosh darn cute this game is T-T

It was fun revisiting this one! It has been a while since I played the first version so I can't think of any major improvements, but I think the new research was particularly interesting. Idk how much of it is new, but I love the sundial and the defenses against the other animals (they're so annoying lol). I could easily see myself playing this for a while when I'm bored, great job on that.

So this was made with Gamemaker? I also use GM for my stuff, but I don't know how to up the quality to your level (mostly with the sprites). 

Feel free to check out my game, I could use your feedback:

 Foxdom's strongest point imo is its endearing aesthetic and charm, sure to draw in anyone with a heart for animals. Keep that and everything else about this charm up!

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Revisiting this soon :)

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Great choice to add some narrative, I'm always happy to help!

And thank you so much for playing Grass Elemental, I'm very glad you enjoyed it! Your comment made my day :)

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Hey guys, I'm wondering if there are any more active threads for Youtubers or streamers to play people's games. I see a good bit of them here but almost all of them are dead or haven't been active for years... 

As a rookie dev, I think there's no other feeling like seeing someone react to a game you've made. There's a lot to learn from how a game can make its player feel, and this is a great way to provide us with how our work impacts others emotionally. With every person I get to try my game on video, I seriously can't help but grin from ear to ear watching every second they're playing lol

Shoutout to Pop Shop Packs  ( ) ASWhalerGamer ( Terry0808 ( and programmer_jeff_ ( for your contributions. I'm sure I'm missing people so please let me know about more content creators willing to play some cool games!

(1 edit)

Hey, I like your game! And I appreciate your organized approach to this thread btw :)

My favorite part of this is probably the satisfaction of playing it in general. I get that it's supposed to be exhilarating, but to me it's actually kind of relaxing... Just something to mindlessly do when you're bored. The mechanics and graphics run very smoothly, I actually am curious about how to get things to be so fluid and pleasing to the eye. The upgrades are cool and efficient, music is fire, everything works well.

 The only thing I would say to improve is maybe the engagement with the player. It's a fun game, but I think it can get a bit boring at times even with the upgrades. Maybe add a bit of a story (I can help with that if you'd like), or maybe a difficulty progression that feels even more rewarding than the upgrades? Idk just throwing stuff out there

Feel free to check my game out, I could use your feedback:

Something about this is just really nice to look at, with the smoothness of the movement and sprite animations. I hope to one day be able to achieve that with my work!

Yeah probably so, but the video shows just fine :)

I am very grateful that you ended up playing my game! Though all of it is necessary for the story (which is barely present in this release T-T) I definitely need to find a way to cut back on the dialogue at the beginning lol. You were soooooo close to the actual gameplay too! 

You pretty much covered every single complaint I've gotten from other people so far: Too much dialogue, confusing keyboard/mouse controls, a little too bright, unclear story. Some will be a bit harder to fix than others, but I know where to start!

Very happy you enjoyed the music and the jokes, and that you find the game unique. Hopefully that piano stays stuck in your head...

And I'm still up for that space music offer!

I got past that part, I can give you a hint ;)

I would also like an answer to this ^^^

Oh I mean the small buttons on the wall, with the instructions over it that say "mouse click to press button" or something. I think it's like on like the fourth level

I do, username is Wasabi :)

This game is so pleasantly frustrating!

The concept is really cool and the delivery works out. It is really hard to make progress, and I would recommend toning down the difficulty until the higher levels, but then it wouldn't be a rage platformer. I don't know how to develop the skill to beat this game, but it seems to be pretty solid overall. I love how chill the music is despite all the keyboard smashing that would be involved lol

One thing to watch out for is how the robot jumps off of certain block placements. Sometimes it just kind of sits there for a while when in a corner, or it'll get stuck up in a wall until another block is placed. Also how do the buttons work, I tried to mouse click but it only placed a block there?

Feel free to check my game out, I could use your feedback:

Cool game, keep it up!

Looking forward to more of your content :)