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A member registered Oct 07, 2022 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

Hey, thanks so much for commenting!

You made some really good points here. I'd love to apply your advice but unfortunately I decided to scrap the Memory and the puzzle from the game's future releases altogether, a few months ago. It was just too much of a headache to fix, and sadly I realized the character doesn't really fit into the main story of the official demo I'm working on. The current version of the game with the puzzle will still be available, it just doesn't seem like it can feasibly be included in any future releases. Maybe if there's a bigger demand for the puzzle to be fixed I can reconsider, but for now I'm working hard on other aspects of the game.

Thanks again! The Discord is over here if you wanna join btw 

Yeah so imma just shamelessly hop on this train

Grass Elemental is a short RPG experience with a retro art style, unique mechanics and battles, good music, etc. It would be amazing to get more Youtubers to play it, as I love seeing the player's experience in real time. It's not a horror game so it isn't the most clickbait-worthy thing out there, but I hope you give it a try anyway. Even if you're not a Youtuber!  

Mods hopefully this is okay to post here-

(1 edit)

Hey, thank you so much for commenting despite my limited time with your game. I'll confirm that there is a specific mechanic where you have to click several times to unlock certain options; This is very intentional (and a pain to code T_T), and is part of the game's story :)

Yeah so at first it was a little bit challenging to actually think about what I was doing, but that isn't the tutorial's fault. It tells you pretty much everything you need to know. Once I started exploring new lands things started to make more sense, like eventually I figured out that the material requirements mean you have to be adjacent to the material to use it (for instance, 0/1 flowers would be 1/1 flowers if what you're trying to make is next to flowers). If you want you can make that a bit more clear, but otherwise it's fine!

Aw man! When I first released the game I was desperately trying to get a Mac port somehow, but nothing worked. And Grass Elemental deals with game files and window resolutions so idk about WebGL... Someday when the full demo releases, I'm going to figure out how to get a Mac port.  

Oh wow, I'm just now noticing the color themes! I love them. Found out how to change it too :)

Left you some feedback on the game page, along with a rating (haven't done that in a while!) Just a bunch of bouncy kitty fun, good job! My game is over here if you'd like to leave some feedback on the game page:; Your input is much appreciated!

I'm looking at that gif and damn that's a lot of upgrades! Can the poor guy even breathe under there??? :(

Woah this is a kitty fun game :3

Everything about the experience just screams adorable fun. I like the movement and attacking mechanic, but I will say the time in between gameplay and upgrades is a little too short. I want to bump around and get stuff for a little longer! With that, the upgrades are pretty cool and they're clearly useful. It's insane how much you can put onto that poor cat...

I'm really into the music and art, they work together well for the feel of the game. Great work!

(1 edit)

Hey, left you some feedback. Very beautiful and rewarding experience, you and your brother did a really great job! My game is over here if you'd like to tell me about your experience with it on the game page:; Any feedback is much appreciated!

It was a good idea putting that ecosystem gif on the page. My ecosystem ended up having a bunch of unused land, so it's a great reference to have when trying to get the most out of the experience!

This is such a beautiful game...

I like how understandable and grounded in reality it is. Ecosystems work similarly to how they are depicted here, and the mechanics work very well with that depiction. All the resources are unique and rely on each other to grow, creating a sense of satisfaction and ease of play to the player. It's fun to watch something that you created flourish, and to learn about how nature builds the world in the process. 

The pixel art style is very fitting and cute; I would imagine the game to look a bit boring without them. It's so cool how you can depict animals in the tiles that can house them, all with like ten moving pixels lol. It clearly communicates what's going on and the impact your ecosystem is having on the wildlife. That impact is very rewarding and satisfying to experience!

Everything about the game comes together to create something truly beautiful. Excellent work, and please keep it up!

Hey left you some feedback. I'm gonna see if I can like, steal someone else's computer or something lol. Maybe one of my school computers will run it?

May game is over here if you'd like to give some feedback on the game page:; Any input is welcome and much appreciated!

I've had this computer for almost 5 years and it's super cluttered! And it's clearly not the type for gaming on top of that. I'm gonna need a better one soon, if I want to make and play bigger games in the future...

Hey! Checked the game out but unfortunately, since my computer wants to act like a potato, I couldn't get much farther than the title screen lol. So I'll leave you feedback on that.

I really like the low-poly art style. Somehow it just fits with the world, as you've done a great job on making everything go with that aesthetic. The colors are simple and effective, not too bright and distracting. The music is whimsical and does a good job welcoming the player to the game. The design of the player character is interesting... Like a mix of a fighter and a wooden doll or something.

It really sucks because your game looks so cool. I'd love to tell you about the gameplay and stuff... I'm definitely getting a new computer now lol. Can't wait to see a story added in and other stuff in the future. Great work!

Hey hey, gave you some feedback on the game page. My game is over here if you'd like to give your own feedback:; Your input is much appreciated!

Now to touch on these topics:

- The writing feels very descriptive and well done, and fittingly so to the situations presented

-  The UI is highly stylized, but not too stylized to where it's completely unreadable. I think it's pretty well done

- The graphics appear to be mixing in styles and resolutions, so they feel a bit disjointed at times. But overall they look pretty cool

- The music is really good! I'm a bit of a guitarist myself (glances at pfp), so the flamenco style was delightful to hear. Did you make it yourself? It doesn't fit the style of the game very well, but great choice either way 

Very cool game, keep it up!

Well! This is definitely an... experience lol.

I honestly have no idea what eco punk is, but the style of this game is very flamboyant and in-your-face with things. It isn't really my type of game, as I'm not used to reading walls of text in something that's not more of a visual novel. BUT, I think the text walls add a lot to the world, themes, story, and characters nicely. With the detailed art it sticks out and gives things an interesting flow. 

It's cool how the battle system is sort of dice-based and has unique mechanics. I immediately got DND vibes when answering those questions at the beginning, so the "battle system" of sorts really expanded that idea for me.

 I will say that overall, it's a really cool and experimental piece that is oozing with artistic touch, but it may turn a good bit of players away due to its graphic nature and niche genre.

Great work!

Okay! A few more concerns:

- I was able to open the chest with the "punch", but nothing came out. I assume it's supposed to be the water slime item?

- There still appears to be the bug where I can't select the green slime from the radial menu. The purple, yellow, and fire slimes work just fine but the green one won't select. I tried clicking, but the LMB does nothing to select any of them.

- It took me a while but I realized the fireballs from the fire slime use up energy, and that the torch replenishes it. Maybe this can be more clear to the player somehow?

Hey left you some feedback on the game. I'd like for the project to keep going! It'd be cool to see where it goes.

My game is over here if you'd like to leave your own feedback on the game page:; Any input is much appreciated!

Bro literally put some kickass weapons and enemies and I swear you got a bestselling title

Hey tried your game out!

I'm liking the concept you have going here. I can see many quests and more objectives that require you to overcome hazards, maybe even get weapons to fight off creatures or something. Maybe there are different kinds of fish that give you different power-ups? Maybe the creatures like certain kinds of fish? Maybe you have to know the ecosystem and creature behaviors to be a successful diver cube? Possibilities are endless.

My biggest problem, as you may have heard already, are the controls. The jumping and movement above water is a bit too floaty, and the underwater movement barely responds if at all to keyboard commands. Specifically, when a button is pressed to return to the surface, the cube moves in sporadic bursts at seemingly random intervals. The diving mechanic works well, but I would recommend movement other than just straight down, unless part of the game is timing your downward shot?

Rough around the edges but the game is pretty cool if you work out the kinks!

Oh wow, I didn't even notice there was a grey background! Fixed :)

Hey left you some feedback! I really enjoyed the experience, and I hope you continue with the project. My game is over here, if you'd like to give feedback on the game page:; Your input is much appreciated!

I can easily see some kind of deep story or analog horror game come out of this in the future. I already have so many ideas, as there is so much potential in your work. Please keep it up! 

Man, I really vibe with this game!

Something about retro minimalist art styles just tickles my fancy, especially when they're executed beautifully like in this project. I never grew up with much ASCII art, but this game is really intriguing me toward the style. I love the typing sounds, the art, and the descriptions, and how committed everything is to the aesthetic. The different hazards making you pay fines or just making you lose money in general is a unique touch, and a fitting substitute to a standard health bar. I literally had no problems with it, excellent work so far! 

Left you some feedback, really cool ASMR-style game! My game is over here, if you wouldn't mind sharing your experience on the game page:; Any feedback would be much appreciated!

- The brick breaking is very relaxing and satisfying, and definitely helps the experience. If it were to be improved (which I don't think is necessary), I guess you could make the sfx a bit more juicy and ear-tickly.

- The game is very relaxing, I think you accomplished your goal quite well! The pacing is okay, but for me I'd think about putting in an option to adjust the speed of the bricks falling down. Just a tad too slow for my taste, but it's really a nitpick.

-  The background option certainly enhances the experience by giving the player the freedom to do so. Other than finding the right folder to put it in, I think it's a decently easy-to-use feature.

- I actually wasn't aware you could use the mouse! From what I played (using the arrow keys, as I am more used to them) the controls were intuitive and responsive, but a degree of attention is required to score well. Overshooting and undershooting the ball is still very possible in the current version, and to me that adds stakes to the gameplay.

- I don't think I've seen this style of pixilation in many games, the shader use is quite unique. I don't think it needs to be improved, but if you really want to push the retro part of the aesthetic, I'd probably bump the resolution down or go for a more minimal palette. 

Great work and please keep this up!

Hey, checked this one out!

I had a good time. The atmosphere does a beautiful job of relaxing you, with the crazy shaders and falling particles. I will say that there could be an option to control this, as its current state could be a bit much visually to some players. The custom background feature is also pretty cool.

Overall great work, I'd like to see the game expanded someday!

(1 edit)

Hey guys, left you some feedback on the game! Excellent start, I'm excited to play more. My game is over here if you'd like to share your experience on the game page:; I'd love to hear your thoughts!

This would be one hell of a Switch title, now that you mentioned it. Interested to see where it goes, great work!

Hey, I'm liking this game so far!

The concept of different slime abilities is really pulling me in. I'm excited to get to play more, so I can explore the world more and get invested in the story. For now I was only able to play a little bit, because of a bug I encountered.

Basically the skill picker thing won't let you pick the sticky green slime, so once you switch off it you'll never be able to use it again (and it is not re-obtainable unless you restart your save). Also, I'm not sure how to progress the game after getting to the chest... I can't seem to open it. The only interaction in that part is the torch, which I'm also not sure what to do with. I think the fire slime should be able to burn the thorns btw, unless I'm missing something.

Otherwise this is a fantastic start, the full game is going to be so good! 

Hey, gave you some feedback! Very interesting premise and good execution, I enjoyed it. My game is over here, if you'd like to tell me what you think on the game page:; It's cool to see another RPG dev here!

I think you'll get a good grade on this!

The fps at the bottom goes between 14 and 20, and everything is running smoothly. I just didn't know if it was supposed to be smoother than how I was playing lol. I have an Intel Core i5-8350U, and UHD Graphics 620 (Surface Pro)

(2 edits)

Gave you a little review on your game page! My game is over here, if you'd like to give some insight on the game page:; But hopefully this feedback also helps out:

- The tutorial was pretty clear and concise, and it helped me understand things without it being too overwhelming

- The challenges ahead made more sense from the tutorial, and gave me a good idea of what to expect

- While the UI itself is intuitive and easy to navigate, I will say that the information that follows is a bit much up front. Perhaps for more casual players, put in a system where you unlock progressively more intricate mechanics over the coming days, and as rewards for completing initially easy and gradually harder challenges

- There is enough information to make decisions, but it could be a bit more drawn out as to not potentially overwhelm players 

- The pacing feels okay

- The consequences of ignoring requests are fair and realistic, and are integral to the gameplay and to the player's decision making

- For me, the game was unfortunately not very engaging, as the information of the requests and other mechanics to keep in mind were a little overwhelming. But it was challenging to pick up and understand how things impact the gameplay

- I found the art and sound design to be enjoyable, as well as the overall style of the game. I found nothing to be truly frustrating

Overall, while not exactly my type of game, I have lots of hope for Presidential Rise. I know it can do very well!

I've never related so much to a devlog before.

I know this is an old post but I'll just say. The problem with making really big and passionate games is that the bigger it gets, the less people will want to play on average. The more players have to think, and the more time they have to put into it without strong engagement, the stronger your marketing has to become. 

And that's the hardest part.

I speak from experience, and something tells me that marketing for my game is going to be a bigger nightmare than it is now. I'm glad that I'm receiving feedback for it, but my project is already more of a niche thing. It's only going to get bigger and more niche, so I feel I have to balance that with "fun" game play and occasional humor, with a deep story and characters, etc.

The thing I've learned about itch is, unless you're already renowned or just plain lucky, you get out what you put in. For me at least, making relationships and helping out fellow devs is the way to go. It's worked, slowly but surely, so hopefully it works for you too!

So I came around to playing Presidential Rise, and I'll say that it's a very unique game from my perspective. I can tell that so much passion and dedication went into the project... Nothing like this is made the right way without it. Players must come to understand complex systems and overcome challenges based on those systems, which induces critical thinking and decision making that will draw those interested in the gameplay in quickly. 

I will say that the game isn't for everyone, as it has a niche that requires a certain palette to be fully immersed in. The process of learning these unique systems is facilitated and clear thanks to the tutorial, but may not necessarily be "fun" to players outside the genre. I personally think the game can be lots of fun, but mostly to the right demographic. 

Everything appears to be very well made, from the beautiful pixel art to the tasteful sounds and music choice. The only small thing I noticed was the resolution size, as the game seemed to be a small bit zoomed in on my screen, leaving a tiny sliver of the edges to be cut off (It could also just be my computer screen not matching it). This isn't a crucial thing at all, as the text and UI are still perfectly readable.

In my opinion, Presidential Rise has tons potential to be something really great someday. Please keep it up!

Well I gave it a looksee and I have to say... The menu looks very intriguing and well designed!

It pulls me in and makes me want to play the game, or at least see more of what it's all about. The space background with the rotating earth in a striking art style are good visual hooks that make this happen. I didn't hear any audio, and I'm sure you'll put some in later, but yeah some juicy sfx on that cursor and liminal music in the background would refine the taste to perfection! 

As for the name editing, I think it's fine where it is. I will say that I didn't see it upon first glance, maybe because it was tucked in the corner. I guess you could put in a bit more in the forefront, but that's not totally necessary.

My game is over here if you'd like to share your experience on the game page:; Feedback is much appreciated!

It's good to get some eyes on your game now in its pre-release state. Keep it up and you'll have more people trying it out as soon as the demo drops!

Much appreciated and no problem, hope you have fun :)

(1 edit)

Tried your game and yapped on the game page! And this is your first game, very well done in that respect. I know how it feels to work with limitations, and it seems like you were able to make the most out of what you had. Really cool!

My game's over here if you'd like to lmk what you think on the game page:; ...You can probably see my preference for the retro style there lol. 

EDIT: Ooooh you also made CHIPPY! That was a kickass game too. I must have advertised GE to you already lol :P 

Hey this game is pretty cool!

It's very short and simplistic in the best way possible. I've never seen quite a spin on Minesweeper before, with the quick turn-based battle if you hit an enemy. And the cherry on top is the gems you mine helping you out in battle - very creative and unique touch. And I'm always a sucker for the retro music and art style... Great work!

Hm I'm not exactly sure, but I know it's slower than in the youtube video you posted. Is there a way to check the fps in the game? This happens literally all the time with my device, bigger games like these will run a little slower than everyone else's lol (doesn't help that my computer barely has any free space).

And tysm for playing Grass Elemental, I'm so glad you enjoyed! Hopefully the Memory puzzle didn't give you too much trouble.

Left you some feedback on the game page, awesome work! Don't think I've played a racing game quite like this. 

My game is over here if you'd like to tell me what you think on the game page:; And a forum post if you'd like to help out with a little problem:

You guys should really keep expanding this one to its fullest! I think it's a game lots of people would want to buy, especially on Steam. 

Really cool racing game!

Going in I thought it would be more of a bland game where you just win races for the hell of it, but it's more than that. You actually have to drive, navigate the world, and make smart decisions so you can get to your destination effectively. I wasn't aware of this an ran out of gas in the middle of the road... That's a really unique touch! Making the player think about how they drive and setting up consequences if they don't. 

My favorite part of the game is the music actually. There were some silly tunes, rockin and groovin ones as I was playing (and I love the Wii Sports-style vocal sfx!) The singing at the beginning caught me off guard and left me rather impressed, did you book a band to play for the game? It's a satisfying and fitting feature to the experience for sure.

I found no real problems, everything ran smoothly. Great work guys!

Aw man :( No sorry, the game only works with screen resolutions and game files and stuff unfortunately. There doesn't seem to be a way right now. But thanks so much anyway and keep up the good work!

Hey, I played this game and had a blast! Left you some feedback on the page too. More people should try it, I hope you get more players!

My game is over here if you'd like to check it out:; And If you'd like to help playtest it's also over here: