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random thought

A topic by Bonecyrus created Jul 05, 2023 Views: 219 Replies: 1
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if it doesn't happen to be in the game but I was wondering if getting the max amount of drones from each area could increase the size she will be other wise from just the breeding sessions. IF this is already in then guess I didn't notice but if its not I would interested in seeing how much bigger she would get from adding those in unless I am completely misunderstanding what the drones are for


I'm still kind of experimenting to see which sizes I'm most comfortable with; I like 'em big, but I'm still now sure HOW big, ya know? That being said, I do intend to allow for more variety in sizes as the game progresses. 
Drones in later chapters will add to that, for sure. Currently, all they do is affect the "Return to Diadem XII" ending, and her growth rate isn't really affected by anything outside of the story progression. I do plan on making the future chapters less linear, which includes more player freedom over X2's size!