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A member registered Mar 04, 2022 · View creator page →

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Happy to hear it! Hopefully it doesn't take me too much longer to get the next episode posted

I'll go more in depth with an update once I'm happy with my progress, but quick version;

X2 wants to increase her breast milk output, so she tries to steal cows from a farm! The owners don't like that.
Shenanigans ensue.

Hmm, by scale do you mean timetable for its release or do you mean how much content there will be? 

If it's release date you're looking for, I'm afraid I have no idea. I might have the more difficult programming elements done, but I still have a lot of writing and art stuff to do. 

As for content, I can't imagine it'll be much longer than the base game. I hate to feel like I'm leading people on with some kind of HUGE GRAND ADVENTURE type thing, but in reality it just hasn't been working the way I want it to.

Haha, well thanks! I should clarify that I'm most definitely NOT revising the entire system, but I am taking steps to shake things up and make them more interesting. It's mostly over world design, puzzles, and mini games that I'm playing with. That said, I am toying around a little bit with a few of the combat mechanics. I don't mind the combat system where it's at, but I don't want them all to feel like guessing games.

You're welcome!

It's a bummer you guys ran out of time, but the set up is great! Really looking forward to future updates!

There are only really two endings, one of which has a few variations. 

The first ending where you return to Diadem XII is the one with the varying outcomes depending on how many encounters you've won and probes you've used, and the one where you stay and do the Government Base level doesn't have any variations.

Ayy, I'm glad to hear that you liked it Serasin! Thank you for the kind words, I appreciate it!!

Hey hey, glad to hear that you liked it!!

And yeah, the cow stuff is part of a newer episode that isn't out yet. Been trying my hand at experimenting with other types of mini games which has been a HUGE time sink, but I think the biggest road blocks have been cleared so I'm hoping to post some updates here in the near future!

Oh buddy, I started like late September so it could be done FOR Halloween lol

I am in WAY too deep now. But I think I'm stubborn enough to pull through

Ah no worries bud! Haven't watched the Dune movies, but I really ought to.

Yeah the sprites have been giving me some trouble. Though I think the biggest issue for me has been the eventing/programming side of things. A whole lot of this has been outside of my comfort zone, but learning more about the program has been really helpful overall! 

Thanks for the support and kind words friend! 
(And the way I farm and hoard humanity, ain't no way I'm staying Hollow for long)

I gotta level with ya bud, I'm not altogether sure what you're trying to say here lol

It can be a real pain when stuff doesn't work the way I want to, but figuring it out can actually be a lot of fun lol

I definitely feel like the episodic angle will be better for BFS9, I'm glad others seem to agree.

Thank you!

Cow time!

I wouldn't really say I have her story wrapped up, it's more that I don't really have a single narrative in mind. I really like the idea of having her deal with all sorts of weird things during her tenure on Earth. 
Also, it's interesting you bring up other breeders! The way I've got it in the story, there's usually only one Breeder per planet so as to make subterfuge easier. BUT I was considering giving X2 a kind of "rival" who'd call her up and taunt her about any "performance issues" she'd be having. Though that's an idea I'm still playing with, I don't have anything fleshed out yet!

Unequivocally based!

I can give it a try after I've got all the new stuff posted. The main reason I added the browser version was to make it easier for mac users to play, but I don't think I've had any feedback on that front. I also recall some other folks mentioning JoiPlay being a good option for playing RPG Maker games on Mac, so that could be worth checking out?
Either way, I'd like to leave the game in a good state for other platforms before I start working on other things, so I can add it to my to-do list!

Work's always a downer.

I have been making good progress on things, but I don't have enough worth showing just yet. With any luck I'll have an update posted in the next few weeks!

Spoilers ahead (I couldn't figure out how to spoil tag images so)

This is the biggest playable size in the game.

I'm not 100% sure yet, but I would really like to!
I'm still struggling to get some of my other projects off the ground, but if I'm in a good spot once it rolls around we'll see if I'm up for it!

Definitely some tiddy growth! Breast expansion will be the focal point, though there might be some preg stuff at the end.

Halloween's my favorite holiday so I was pretty bummed to miss the deadline, but I'm pretty eager to get this special episode ready! I was considering changing the mood a little bit since I'd be posting outside of Halloween, but when you put it that way I think I'd be happier keeping it as is!

Haha, if I wind up making a special Christmas episode this year I'll be sure to keep them in!

Oh, that's for a special episode that isn't out yet! Sorry for the confusion.

Not dead yet!
I've had a lot going on, but I'm hoping to find my rhythm here soon. I do have a little update thing in the works right now.

I appreciate the support! <3

Thanks, kind of you to say! I'm glad you liked it!

Heyo! I'm really glad to hear you've been enjoying the project, it means a lot!!

Things could certainly be going better, but I have been able to make a bit of progress on the game recently. I'm actually pretty close to a new announcement, and I'm hoping to make a public announcement in a few more days! 

Hey! I decided to take a bit of a break from development so I could try to get some artwork posted to deviantart. Been struggling a bit with that too, but once I've got some things uploaded I'll be resuming development on BFS9!

I also put in for some vacation time, so once that rolls around I'll be able to work on it some more! 

And thank you for the support! 

Not well, I'm sorry to say. I'm still not 100% satisfied with the browser version, which has been eating up some of my time. That's probably going on the back burner for now, though, since I hate stalling progress because of it. I also don't have as much free time to work on it right now, which isn't helping, but I have managed to get some of the art designs for the sewer encounter done. 

That said, I'm hoping to jump back into if after the weekend! 

That would explain why my computer-illiterate ass was having issues! I completely neglected to mess with my browser features before playtesting.
Good to know it works fine on Mac! I want to see if I can get it functioning right on mobile as well.

I'm still kind of experimenting to see which sizes I'm most comfortable with; I like 'em big, but I'm still now sure HOW big, ya know? That being said, I do intend to allow for more variety in sizes as the game progresses. 
Drones in later chapters will add to that, for sure. Currently, all they do is affect the "Return to Diadem XII" ending, and her growth rate isn't really affected by anything outside of the story progression. I do plan on making the future chapters less linear, which includes more player freedom over X2's size!

Yeah, I noticed the performance has been a bit unreliable. Also, that issue with the intro cutscene has been a consistent thorn in my side, even with the windows download, and attempts to fix it have been unsuccessful. At first I thought it was just the order in which I showed the pictures, but it's wound up being a lot trickier to fix than that. It's ugly and I hate it so fixing it is on my to-do list, but it kind of has me stumped at the moment.
I tested it on mobile too, and hoo boy are there a lot of issues with that as well (like the music being cut out!!). I might have some ideas for addressing that though.

But it's good to know that saves are working,! That's a silver lining for sure! I don't know if they'll carry over well with newer versions, but that's a problem I can push off until later.

Thanks for the feedback, I appreciate the help!!

I'm actually not the biggest fan of forced brood mother stuff, so I wouldn't count on that happening. I don't plan on the Director getting off scot-free either, though. I don't have a solid idea for how that'll play out, but I'll get there eventually! 

I can't make any promises! I'm really experimenting with my storytelling and such with this project, and I usually like my villains to feel genuinely evil or threatening . I might play around with some more lighthearted/comical villains, though, we'll see!

The Area 51 level is definitely something I want to rework. I planned on having a bunch of encounters (a foursome was actually one of them!) but I ran out of time to implement them for the Game Jam, so it's pretty bare bones at the moment. I'm looking to expand on the Sewer and Area 51 before I get started on the next chapter.

There are a few probes that do that actually! Most of the probes that aren't out in the open (the ones hiding in boxes, holes, crates, etc) have their lights blinking. They're dimmed out a bit so it's not super easy to spot, though, so I might make them a little brighter for the next update.

That's very kind of you to say, thank you so much! I really appreciate it!!

Love the presentation in this, the music and visuals are awesome! Gameplay wise, I can't say I have any gripes that haven't already been mentioned(mainly how it can get a bit grindy), but they didn't keep me from enjoying the experience. Very good stuff!

That is an idea I'd like to implement for sure! It would take a while to do, since I would need to make nakey sprites for each size and make censored versions for the censored route, but it seems doable. I'll probably get around to it after I've made sure a few other things work the way I want them to.