I've been grinding the natural dungeon but i'm confused, i can plant all seeds and use the organic and mixed fertilzer only, i've been getting the mineral fertilizer from fighting the supervisors, but i can't use it or i don't know how to use it, whenever i plant something only two fertilizer are given to me as choice : organic and mixed, although when i check my inventory i don't find the mineral fertilizer even though i've been getting it few times when i fight the supervisor, is this some kind of a bug? or is there a different soil to plant seeds and use mineral fetilizer or something?, i have two issues : i can't use mineral fertilizer whatever i plant, second issue is i got mineral fertilizer many times when i fought supervisor but when i check my inventory i only fine organic and mixed fertilzers, this issue is preventing me from grinding heavy armors and some other accessories i've eying for a while, and since i didn't find a semilar topic about the issue i decided to post here as to know why or how, thanks for any future reply and assistance.