I FOUND THE SRD Blades In the Dark very useful to almost ANSWER all my questions 馃榿
Hello Emanoel. My name is Lionel, I'm from Argentina so don't know which language to try the better. Will try with the neutral English but feel free to answer me in Portuguese, for instance. And PLEASE fell free to say NO to either of my assumptions.
First and foremost, awesome job with the game! Didn't GMed yet but I'm eager to play it soon.
I have some questions, hope is not too much. Let me say I'm totally in into narrative games, playing games for more than 20 years. So my questions aim to that matter, narrative, and how to handle SOME sort of balance as you intended by the rules. Let me know what you think, besides, maybe all my doubts are to be answered as interpretation by each GM, but I would like your insights. Again, such a neat and simple system, nailed it!
So, without much further introduction...
1) When a player takes an Action roll, he choose the Approach and Skill (the dice pool besides Push and Assist).
BUT you mention that the player also declares other beneficial factors (gear, augmentation, environment, etc). About the benefit of incorporating those other factors to the action taken:
a - Does EACH of this factors/types of factors, ADD A DICE to the dice pool?
b - Or is rather, the GM evaluates if all the other factors declared by the player GRANTS him or not an EDGE? And therefore the chance for a higher level Effect or less Threat level as it applies to Edges.
2) If many beneficial factors applies to his action roll, are those translated to higher and higher Effect level? I mean narratively, rather than one-to-one Edge/Effect level. Like having a "bigger/more meaningful" Edge?
3) When a character is resisting a consecuence either with an augmentation's defensive effect or an armor from his gear, are those elements depleted when choose to resist THAT particular consecuence?
a - Meaning they can't be used again during the ENTIRE run? Is the armor crossed off from the gear list and that augmentation's defensive effect depleted for the REST of the run? Is this correct?
If so, can a Flashback bring another same new armor or shield (below the load limit), or to flashback another defensive effect or new augmentation (upgrade) allowing that "resist type" to be used again? Or Is that type of defensive style depleted for the rest of the run?
b - Can the same defensive style (special resistence or armor) be used again through the use of flashbacks? I understand that other "resist type" (Approach Roll plus a die for gear depleted) usually has his own cost, in Stress.
4) About the tracker Harm: Does the penalty for each level is taken by the character with the first square of that level marked? What happens when you mark the second square from the same harm level? Does the penalty get more severe? (More Effect level decrease or two less dice taken instead of one from your dicr pool). Or filling the second square for that level ONLY means next same harm level the character suffers it goes directly up to a higher level instead? (Translating in higher penalty). For instance, a full first and second harm level character that takes a Harm level 1, is OUT, right?
My deus, sorry for so many questions and doubts, so many words. Again, thanks a lot for all the hard work and appreciate any comments.
Thanks again, best regards