Updates in this version:
- Adding option to create constraints between objects with Matter.js physics engine (fixed distance between objects) in the level editor.
- Adding new event action: "Add constraint" (fixed distance between objects).
- Adding new event action: "Is button down".
- Adding new event action: "Draw arc".
- Adding new math expression: "arctangent".
- Adding new library images and categories.
- Adding "alpha" attribute to all event actions of "Drawing" category.
- Adding "mouseButton" attribute to event conditions "Click on object" and "On button click".
- Allowing to select, delete and move multiple elements in the level editor.
- Allowing to change object angle in the level editor (only for objects with Matter.js physics engine).
- Enabling again the option to view the Javascript source code of visual scripts.
- Disabling grid rendering automatically in level preview when zoom out is too much.
- Improvements in visual script debugging.