How can i get the answers of the riddles said by the beast woman in Hidden Village? Is there a way to read a book?
The first riddle can be solved if you listen to her while asking her stuff. The second answer can be found in the book "Battle for Cataclyzm".
The five random question for the last reward are mostly logical. Here are the questions and answers:
Question: What kind of room has no doors or windows?
Answer: Mushroom
Question: What's long and hard and has cum in it?
Answer: Cucumber
Question: What's hairy on the outside, but soft and wet on the inside? It starts with "C" and ends in "t"
Answer: Coconut
Question: Two in a corner, one in a room, zero in a house, but one in a shelter. What am I?
Answer: R
Question: Spelled forwards I'm what you do every day, spelled backwards I'm something you hate. What am I?
Answer: Live