This is a bit of an odd one but to keep it as short as I can: I've been working for a while on my own homebrew system called Dream Dance, which is about boots on the ground demon hunters (kind of a proto chainsaw man setting).
It's been a long time since I last worked on it but plaiyng Steel Hearts kinda brought back my love of pen and paper and I wanted to know if it was okay to use and modify the underlying system of Steel Hearts (Seven Sages, I think the book calls it?) for use in Dream Dance.
To be more specific, I would be looking to make use of:
~The way dice pools are formed
~The way hits are calculated from those dice pools
~The Syn system, though maybe modified a bit
~A modified version of the Stratagem system, where you learn them for a weapon type and bring X number into a session instead of them being tied directly to your weapons
~A modified version of the mech parts system to act as the basis for an equipment system
~maybe a modified version of the MEC node and perk system, though I might replace that entirely.
I have no intent to distribute the game commercially, I just wanna revive my old fun anime game and maybe get it in the hands of some folks outside of my imediate friend group.