Got to admit first off that I actually love this new system. The original version introduced in prior patch was... pretty bad, tbh. Characters that it generated looked nothing like the descriptions. Now though we can fine tune it, so loving this :) First time I've ever not used body packs.
That said, there do seem to be more than a few issues. Not sure if they've been brought up anywhere - can't see here on forums and I don't use discord server. So just in case...
First is that if you modify a person via the slave trader's new lab thing, the full body image changes, but their headshot portrait remains unchanged. Noticed this when editing a newly bought slave.
Second is that some of the hair options are a bit of a mess. I don't expect every piece to fit together perfectly - that'd be ridiculous - but a lot of the options just don't work together at all, leaving wierd bald spots between them or just looking downright wierd. Also, some of the 'length' options seem to have been mixed up somewhere, because I was getting longer option on medium than I was on long (can't remember exactly which it was, but might have been the bangs-section).
Last is that the interface itself's text seems to be a bit of a mess. Some options are doing the showing-up-as-data-strings thing (like DRAGONWINGSBLAHBLAH) instead of normal text. Also, minor point, but the lack of capitalisation on some of the interface text looks kinda odd when most of the game uses proper caps. Like I said, minor issue, but still.
All that being said, I am enjoying this system, and with a bit of tweaking it'll be great :)