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Excluding and Selecting Tags Improvement pls

A topic by baiacudastrevas created Sep 13, 2023 Views: 214 Replies: 1
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Ok, english is not my first language so I'll try my best to make this understandable

I think the tool for selecting tags could be improved. Let's say I'm looking for something relaxing to play. I select the tag "cute" to filter games with this tag. Then I also add "comedy" because I also feel like playing funny games. But the search engine only shows games that have both tags, "cute" and "comedy". So I can't browse comedy games and cute games together, I have to make two different searches and is just unpractical I think.

Now another feature that I would love to see is any way to exclude a certain tag from the game selection. I say this because horror games are really popular now, which I also enjoy but is not what I always want to play. So it would be nice to remove games with certain tags while searching/browsing, it would make a lot easier to find the games you really want to play at that moment.

That's basically it, so thank you for reading and pretty please consider this <3


I agree. It's frustrating when I search for survival simulators and end up getting a ton of horror games, simply because both use the 'survival' tag.

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