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[Pixelart] [2Dart] [Free] Looking to help out a team

A topic by The51NK created Sep 21, 2023 Views: 273 Replies: 3
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straw strawberryHello every visitor my name is Luis and I'm a 2D artists looking for a project to help out.

I have been practicing a lot and wanted to put my skills to use, even though I'm a bit buisy lately I still have some afternoons that I can spend helping people here.

For the record i have done some personal projects specially whilst studying which included 3D art, 2D art, animation, Unity management and loads of other things too. I work with clip studio and blender. If you want to see some of the stuff I got I'm uploading some things on my profile!

Eggs and bread for you!

my discord is: The51NK#4647

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I could use some art if you're interested. I need a title screen for a drag racing game for the Thumby. I'm also porting it to the Pico8, so I could use one monochrome treatment and then something in the Pico8 colour space.